
  • 网络rockman;MEGA MAN;ZERO;exe
  1. 后者是一家受到核心玩家热捧的游戏网站,经常播放一些热门游戏的试玩录像,有时则是像“洛克人最后完蛋了”这样的讽刺视频。

    That site , on which one can watch a trailer of the latest halo game or the satirical show " mega man dies at the end , " is beloved by hardcore video gamers .

  2. 通过游戏预告片,我们可以知道,这款游戏融合了《超级玛丽》,《洛克人》的元素,并且有很多独有的创新游戏方式。

    Through the game trailers , we can know , this game fusion " super Mary "," the rock " of the elements , and have a lot of unique innovation game the way .

  3. 洛克所说的人的自然状态,并不是一个历史的范畴;

    Say Something about Metronome Locke 's concept of natural state is not a historical category ;

  4. 哈佛商学院洛克创业中心负责人梅雷迪思o香农表示,近年来,对该中心服务的需求大涨。

    Demand for the Harvard Business School 's Rock Center for Entrepreneurship 's services has been surging in recent years , says director Meredith McPherron .

  5. 廓清诺齐克与洛克和康德在另一个向度上的渊源关系,寻求诺齐克的财产权理论的洛克基础和人是目的的康德式的绝对命令。

    It also makes clear the relationship between Nozick and Locke , Kant in another direction , illuminates Lockean elements of Nozick 's property theory and a Kantian absolute order , i.e. " person is a purpose " .