
yáng wá wa
  • doll
洋娃娃 [yáng wá wa]
  • [doll] 儿童玩具娃娃;模仿外国小孩儿的相貌做成的小人儿,是儿童的玩具

洋娃娃[yáng wá wa]
  1. 洋娃娃的头发可能会让小孩窒息。

    A small child could choke on the doll 's hair

  2. 小孩紧抱着洋娃娃。

    The child clasped the doll tightly .

  3. 为了想法子增加家庭收入,她开始制作洋娃娃。

    While searching for a way to augment the family income , she began making dolls .

  4. 那孩子将她的洋娃娃紧紧搂在怀里,不让任何人看。

    The child clutched the doll to her arms and would not show it to anyone .

  5. 人们说她长得很漂亮,像个洋娃娃。

    People say she is beautiful and looks like a doll .

  6. 那女孩在玩洋娃娃自娱。

    The girl was amusing herself with a doll .

  7. 乌克兰一名女子将自己整容成“真人洋娃娃”后在全球一举成名,随后,至少又有两名女子加入这一趋势,自愿感染“芭比流感”。

    Example : After one Ukrainian woman gained international notoriety for her transformation into a " living doll " , at least two more have surfaced as devotees of the beauty trend , nicknamed the " Barbie flu " .

  8. 玩偶;无头脑的美丽女人vt.把…打扮得花枝招展我的孙女像小洋娃娃一样美。

    doll My granddaughter is as pretty as a little doll .

  9. 事实上,当莎利文试图教她mug这个词时,海伦沮丧到了极点,甚至把那个洋娃娃给摔坏了。

    In fact , when Sullivan was trying to teach Keller the word for mug , Keller became so frustrated she broke the doll .

  10. 于是,我就用“isonbed”表示把洋娃娃放在床上。在造句的同时,我也掌握了句子本身的意义和结构。

    then I put my doll on the bed with the words is , on , bed arranged beside the doll , thus making a sentence of the words , and at the same time carrying out the idea of the sentence with the things themselves .

  11. Barbra曾说,她小时候唯一的玩具就是被她套上洋娃娃衣服的一个热水瓶。

    She once said her only toy was a hot-water bottle she dressed in doll 's clothes .

  12. 神奈川工科大学和富士通社会科学实验室的研究者联合开发了一款新产品——一个洋娃娃,这个洋娃娃上面用HTCVive软件安装了一个跟踪模块。

    Developed by researchers from Japan 's Kanagawa Institute of Technology collaborating with the Fujitsu Social Science Laboratory , the HTC Vive app places a tracking module onto a doll .

  13. 所以,我们买洋娃娃只是因为他们很可爱。

    So , they bought dolls simply because they were cute .

  14. 他们认为洋娃娃影响了他们孩子的学习。

    They thought the dolls were harming their children 's studies .

  15. “艾米丽,”妈妈说,“带着你的洋娃娃。”

    " Emily ," said Mom ," bring your doll . "

  16. 纸被做成了洋娃娃的衣服。

    The paper has been made into clothes for the doll .

  17. 我在一个文具店的角落看到了一个洋娃娃。

    Noticed a doll in the corner of a stationery store .

  18. 她要我给她的洋娃娃做些衣服。

    She asked me to make some clothes for the doll .

  19. 比起她的其他玩具,她更珍爱那只洋娃娃。

    She treasured that doll more than all her other toys .

  20. 哦,我怎么不也去玩该死的洋娃娃?

    Ooh , why didn 't I take the damn dolls ?

  21. 你能为我姐姐的洋娃娃做一件T恤么?

    Can you make a T-shirt for my sister 's doll ?

  22. 她心爱的洋娃娃损坏了,为此她哭了好长一阵子。

    She have a long cry when her favorite doll break .

  23. 我的男朋友送我一个洋娃娃当作我的生日礼物。

    My boyfriend sent me a doll as my birthday present .

  24. 你想让我看看你的洋娃娃吗,小姑娘?

    And will you show me your dolly , little lady ?

  25. 你不想一边晃荡一边肢解洋娃娃?

    Don 't you want to hang out with cut-out dolls ?

  26. 1978年时,14岁的女孩还玩洋娃娃。

    In 1978 , girls still played with dolls aged 14 .

  27. 我发现面前有个洋娃娃。

    And I 'd find a doll in front of me .

  28. 玩具业用来连接固定洋娃娃头与身体。

    The toy industry is used to connect fixed-doll head and body .

  29. 你们必须停止出售洋娃娃,因为这带来了太多的麻烦。

    You must stop selling dolls because it causes so much trouble .

  30. 买洋娃娃的小姑娘踏上自动扶梯,来帮助笨狼。

    Buy a doll girl escalator , to help the stupid Wolf .