
bèng lún
  • pump impeller;pump pulley
泵轮[bèng lún]
  1. 由于泵轮和涡轮在运行状态下受力情况比较复杂,可能会产生共振。

    The forces are complicated when pump impeller and turbine are working , so the sympathetic vibration may be produced .

  2. 研究了过流条件与泵轮叶片表面冲蚀磨损的关系。

    The relation between the flow conditions and material surface abrasive erosion of the pump impeller has been studied .

  3. 本文叙述了用激光多普勒流速计对YB-355型液力变矩器泵轮和涡轮内流场速度分布进行测量的装置、方法、步骤以及试验的结果。

    The instrumentation facilities , method and procedure to measure the internal flow field velocity distribution of pump wheel and turbine wheel in hydraulic torque convertor model YB-355 with laser Doppler flow meter are described and experimental results are presented in this article .

  4. 液力偶合器泵轮短叶片断裂原因及处理

    Analysis and Treatment of Hydraulic Coupling Pump Short Splitter Blade Rupture

  5. 泵轮叶片芯盒的设计与制作

    Design & Manufacture of Core Box of Vane of Pump Wheel

  6. 泵轮叶片快速磨损失重法试验研究

    Experimental Study on High-speed Wear of Impeller Blades Based on Weight-loss Method

  7. 数控加工在液力偶合器泵轮孔系加工中的应用

    Application of NC Machining in Holes Machining of Hydrodynamic Coupling Pump Wheel

  8. 耐压铝合金泵轮的金属型低压铸造工艺

    Metal-mould low pressure casting process for pressure Al-alloy pump wheels

  9. 坦克液力变矩器传动轮泵轮的重力铸造工艺

    Casting Process of Pump Wheel of Tank Hydraulic Torque Converter

  10. 超扁平化液力变矩器泵轮流场主流特征分析

    Main flow features analysis on impeller of super flat automotive torque converter

  11. 泵轮、涡轮、导轮称工作轮。

    Pump wheel , Turbine , and Guide pulley is called work round .

  12. 用失重法对泵轮叶片的磨损进行了试验。

    Experimental study on wear of impeller blades has been performed based on weight-loss method .

  13. 稀相固粒在离心泵轮中的运动实验研究和数值分析

    Experimental study and numerical analysis of the motion of dilute soild particles in centrifugal pump impellers

  14. 单泵轮铸造工艺设计

    Design of Pump Wheel Foundry Technology

  15. 涡轮和泵轮在长期的共振情况下,会发生疲劳破坏。

    As a result of the sympathetic vibration , pump impeller and the turbine will be destroyed .

  16. 将以上工艺运用于实践,成功浇注出了汽车排气管、大型不锈钢泵轮等复杂精密铸件。

    Exhausted pipe in the car and large stainless steel pump wheel in investment casting have been successfully produced by using above-mentioned technology , realizing desirable effects .

  17. 某军品坦克液力变矩器传动轮中的泵轮叶片结构复杂,只能通过铸造工艺成形,铸件要求很高的尺寸精度和铸造表面粗糙度。

    The vane of a pump wheel in a kind of tank hydraulic torque converter has very complicated structure and requires high surface quality and dimension tolerance .

  18. 根据液力变矩器的试验结果,得到了液力变矩器的涡轮和泵轮的动态扭矩,在此基础上,估计了液力变矩器的动态扭转阻尼。

    Based on experimental data , dynamic torques of turbine and pump are shown as algebraic equations , and dynamic torsional damping of the hydraulic torque converter is estimated .

  19. 其他两轮的轴向力变化较平稳,且数值也较小。轴向力除了与供油压力有关外,主要是与泵轮转速的二次方和循环圆有效直径的四次方有关。

    The axial forces are related to oil supply pressure , and also to the square of rotary speed and the fourth power of effective diameter of circular circle .

  20. 液力耦合器的泵轮和涡轮在旋转过程中,承受水的离心力、水流压力、空气压力等作用,应力情形较为复杂。

    In the process of rotating of pump impeller and turbine on hydraulic coupler , they bear the effects of liquid centrifugal force , liquid pressure and air pressure .

  21. 在液力传动系统中,泵轮和涡轮的转矩及转速应保持稳定才能使系统正常运行。

    In hydraulic transmission system , turning moment and rotational speeds of pump impellers and turbines have to be kept steady in order for the normal operation of the system .

  22. 作为液力耦合器传递动力的关键元件,涡轮和泵轮担任着液体动能与机械能转换的重要角色。

    As the key components to pass the power of hydraulic coupler , pump impeller and turbine play important parts in the converting of liquid kinetic energy and mechanical energy .

  23. 对涡轮和泵轮的应力状态分析是设计叶轮过程中必不可少的环节,因此叶片的应力计算准确与否对叶轮的应力分析有十分重要的影响。

    It is necessary to make an analysis on stress condition in the process of designing impeller . Whether the designing is accurate or not has an important effect on the analysis .

  24. 本系统主要任务是测定液力变矩器的外部特性,即泵轮和涡轮轴上的转矩和转速之间的关系和液力变矩器的效率。

    The task of the testing system is to test external characteristics of Torque Converter , it is about the relation of the output torque , input torque , efficiency and output rev .

  25. 由涡轮流出的液体(此时能量较低)再流入与机架固定在一起不转动的导轮,经导轮变换液流方向后又流入泵轮。

    ( At this point energy is lower ), then into the non-rotating guide wheel which together with the rack , flow direction by the guide pulley and later transform into the pump wheel .

  26. 以泵轮转速和涡轮转速作为模糊控制器的输入量,以油门开度和工作油泵的压力作为模糊控制规则库的制定原则设计了自动换挡模糊控制器。

    Finally , this article designs shift fuzzy controller with pump wheels speed and turbine speed as the input , and throttle angle and the work of oil pump pressure as the principles of fuzzy controller . 4 .

  27. 液力变矩器的泵轮、涡轮、导轮的叶片形状是十分重要的,对液力变矩器的内部特性、外部特性以及对其传动效率起到了至关重要的作用。

    The import and export point of pump wheel , turbine , guide pulley of Torque converter is very important . The internal characteristics of the torque converter . External characteristics and efficiency of its transmission has played a crucial role .

  28. 复合齿轮泵惰轮瞬态径向力分析及其平衡措施

    Instantaneously radial force analysis and balance measures of idler wheel for complex gear pump

  29. 泵诱导轮理论与设计

    Theory and Design of a Pump Inducer

  30. 离心泵诱导轮的设计

    Design of Inducer for Centrifugal Pump