
  • 【医】ID
  1. 注射剂量对上矢状窦峰时升高CT值有显著性影响。

    Injection dose had a significant effect on RV of superior sagital venous .

  2. 研究人员决定重新研究维生素C对癌症的作用,因为尽管先前的研究已经检验过它,但是他们没有进一步研究静脉内注射剂量,仅仅停留在口服剂量上。

    The researchers decided to revisit the effect of vitamin C on cancer because although previous studies had examined it , they had not looked further into the intravenous dose , only the oral dose .

  3. 第二天或同一天早晚两次使用同样的MMS注射剂量。

    Do the same MMS IV dose the second day or twice in one day , morning and evening .

  4. PGE2和F2a的注射剂量与血清Hp水平的增加值呈正相关。在低注射剂量(25ug/kg)时,PGE2对血清Hp水平的作用强于PGF2a;

    There is a positive correlation between injected doses of PGE2 and F2 α, and the elevated concentration of serum Hp has been demonstrated .

  5. 结果表明两组间尿的累积活度、骨摄取率和单位注射剂量的骨累积活度(kBq·h/MBq)差异均显著(P<0.01)。

    The remarkable differences ( P < 0.01 ) between groups are the cumulative urine activity , skeletal uptake rate and cumulative skeletal activity every MBq .

  6. 检查精液品质后发现,小鼠精液品质随镉注射剂量和时间的增加有下降趋势,表现为精子浓度和精子活力下降,精子畸形率上升(P0.05);

    The quality of sperm was studied after treated with CdCl_2 , shows sperm concentration and motility drops tendency along with the CdCl_2 injection dosage and the time increase , sperm deformity rises ( P0.05 );

  7. 结论增加AHS注射剂量可以明显增大离体牛肝RFA一次性毁损体积。

    Conclusion To increase AHS injection volume can obviously enlarge the destruction zone by single RFA in ex vivo bovine liver .

  8. 随睾酮注射剂量增加(5、10、15、20、25μg/Kgbw),血浆睾酮的浓度、前列腺背叶及尿道球腺MT含量增高。

    With an increase of T dose to 5 , 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 μ g / kg bw , plasma T and MT contents in the dorsolateral lobe of prostate and urethral gland increased accordingly .

  9. 本实验采用PMSG和hCG对ICR系小鼠进行超数排卵处理,比较小鼠体质量、超排处理时间、激素(PMSG/hCG)注射剂量对超数排卵效果的影响。

    In this experiment , factors affecting superovulation were studied by comparison of the weight , the time of superovulation treatment and injected hormone ( PMSG / hCG ) doses on the ICR mice .

  10. 20E对5龄5天家蚕实施体内诱导,结果显示,不同注射剂量的家蚕与对照组相比都提前进入蛹期。

    The result showed that compared to the control group all the silkworms injected with various doses turned into the pupa in advance .

  11. 结论:STZ致大鼠DM模型的最佳注射剂量应为60mg/kg,APO诱导剂量以100μg/kg作为筛选ED模型的标准。

    Conclusion : The best dose of STZ injection to construct diabetes mellitus rats model is 60 mg / kg . Erectile dysfunction can not be considered if penile erection exists after APO injection , and the best dose of APO is 100 μ g / kg .

  12. 目的应用Sure-Start软件技术及不同的延时时间、注射剂量分析对肝增强峰值造成的影响,选择适合多层螺旋CT肝脏增强扫描的最佳的增强扫描方案。

    Objective To analyse the effect of using Sure start software technique on the peak of hepatic contrast enhancement with different delay time and dose of contrast medium , and determine the best enhancement and scanning plan adapting to the multi slice helical CT .

  13. 不同厂家/批号激素的注射剂量(10IU、15IU)组间差异不显著(P>0.05)。

    The injection doses ( 10IU and 15IU ) of different manufacturer and different lot number of hormone had no significant difference in the superovulation effect .

  14. 胰岛素样生长因子促进愈合的程度与胰岛素样生长因子的注射剂量存在剂量依赖关系。

    IGF-I promoted the union in a dose - dependent pattern .

  15. 随着注射剂量的增加,大鼠组织蛋白质分数合成率亦增加。

    With the increase of dosage , FSR was rising .

  16. 这种作用与牛胰多肽注射剂量有明显依从关系,并被预先皮下注射阿托品所部分阻断。

    The effects of BPP were partly abolished by injection of atropine .

  17. 注射剂量不同对猪生产性能影响不同。

    The effect depended on the injection dose .

  18. 这被公认为是澳大利亚有史以来接受血清注射剂量最多的一次。

    It is thought to be one of the largest doses of anti-venom ever administered in Australia .

  19. 3-硝基丙酸和神经毒素腹腔注射剂量分别为20mg/kg及30mg/kg。

    Dosages of 3-NP and neurotoxin were 20 mg / kg and 30 mg / kg , respectively .

  20. 注射剂量35mci时,药物作用区肝细胞完全坏死。

    When the dose was 35 mci , complete necrosis appeared in the hepatic cells within the bremsstrahlung areas .

  21. 各椎体内骨水泥注射剂量约3~12ml,平均5.5ml,椎体内骨水泥均匀充填13个,部分充填椎体者22个;

    Bone cement injected was 3-12 ml , average 5.5 ml. Bone cement uniformity injected 13 cases , and fraction injected 22 cases .

  22. 注射剂量&除另有规定外,每只兔子每千克注射190毫升的样品。

    Quantity of injection – Unless otherwise specified , 190 ml of the sample per kg of body mass of the animals is used .

  23. 经验证结果表明一叶萩碱的抗疲劳活性非常明显,并且这种功效随着腹腔注射剂量的提高而增强。

    Results show that the anti-fatigue activity of Securinine is very obvious , and this effect is enhanced as intraperitoneal injection doses are improved .

  24. 曲安奈德的在玻璃体腔内的消失时间为5天~3个月,与曲安奈德的注射剂量、是否合并硅油填充等方面有关。

    The clearance time of triamcinolone acetonide was 3 days to 3 months , and was related to the does of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide and filled with silicone oil .

  25. 依据胰岛素注射剂量、依从性和低血糖发生率,每天一次注射胰岛素为最佳选择。

    From the view of the insulin dose , patient compliance and the number of hypoglycemia , once daily injections of human insulin or long-acting human insulin analogue for the best choice .

  26. 药动学研究表明,家兔静脉注射单剂量的两性霉素B后其体内血药浓度时间数据符合权重为1/C的三室模型。

    The concentration-time data of AmB after intravenous administration were fitted by three compartments with weight of1 / C.

  27. 方法腹腔注射递增剂量的盐酸吗啡使雄性SD大鼠形成吗啡依赖,并用纳洛酮催促戒断。

    Methods Nucleus accumbens was dissected out from morphine dependent and naloxone precipitated withdrawal rats .

  28. 全麻患者术中静脉注射止吐剂量氟哌利多对QT间期的影响

    Effect of antiemetic-dose droperidol on the QT interval during general anesthesia

  29. 方法:大鼠皮下注射大剂量异丙肾上腺素(ISO)造成缺血性心肌损伤模型;

    Methods : Model of ischemic myocardial injury induced by large dose isoprenaline subcutaneous injection in rats .

  30. 人类感染牛结核病(TB),需要注射大剂量的抗生素,九个月才能治愈。

    People who get bovine TB have to take strong antibiotics for up to nine months to cure them .