
  • 网络pollock;Jackson Pollock;Porlock
  1. 呃,你的杰克逊波洛克入袋了。

    Well , your Jackson Pollock is in the bag .

  2. 一个四岁的小女孩凭借自己的油画作品震惊了整个纽约艺术界,人们把她的画和杰克逊•波洛克和瓦西里•康定斯基的作品相提并论。

    A four-year-old girl is wowing the New York art world with paintings that are drawing comparisons with Jackson Pollock and Wassily Kandinsky .

  3. 法律不能使人人平等,但是在法律面前人人是平等的&英国法学家波洛克F

    The law cannot make all men equal , but they are all equal before the law . & Frederick Pollock , British jurist

  4. 通过OSCAR工程,波洛克给出了六条认识规范,但这些认识规范并不是完备的,因为OSCAR工程未能完成。

    However , those norms are not complete , for the project of OSCAR is not finished .

  5. 从设计的立场出发,波洛克试图建造一个合理的行动者,这个工程被称之为OSCAR工程。

    From the design stance , Pollock tries to build a rational agent , which is called the project of OSCAR . Through the project of OSCAR , he presents six epistemic norms .

  6. Ecohabit项目的指导人、斯蒂文斯理工学院工科助理教授马克&12539;波洛克(MarkPollock)说:我们希望(该系统)可以达到能够提供建议的智能程度。

    ' We hope to get to the point where [ the system ] can make suggestions , ' explained Mark Pollock , the project 's manager and an industry assistant professor at Stevens .

  7. 格林伯格是捍卫波洛克的第一批评论家之一。

    Greenberg was the first of the critics to champion pollock .

  8. 可我就愿意在盖伊·波洛克那个积满尘埃的公事房里跟他闲聊天。

    I 'd rather talk to Guy Pollock in his dusty office .

  9. 波洛克的昏聩和杂乱无章一眼就可看出。

    Pollock 's muddle and confusion are readily apparent .

  10. 波洛克是个极端的事例,但是他的失败却是许多事例的缩影。

    Pollock was an extreme instance , but his failure epitomizes that of many .

  11. 波洛克以及亨利·摩尔的作品

    The Pollock , and the Henry Moores .

  12. 幸福是在太少和太多之间的驿站。&波洛克

    Happiness is a way station between too little and too much . & Channing Pollock

  13. 泰勒家的住宅在波洛克街上,就是那幢有高大的雕花柱子的白色屋子。

    The Taylor house is that white one with the tall fluted column on Polyock Street .

  14. 幸福是太多和太少之间的一站。英国法学家波洛克

    Happiness is a way station between too much and too little . & C.Pollock , British jurist

  15. 多年来波洛克和一组泰国及缅甸的法律顾问们一直担任移民拥护者的顾问。

    For years , Pollock and a team of Thai and Burmese legal advisers have worked as migrant advocates .

  16. 在哥谭镇的警署里,心怀崇高理想的警探詹姆士戈登和他愤世嫉俗的搭档哈维波洛克很快就解决了这个案子,虽然看似如此,但事情似乎没有这么简单。

    Although the idealistic Gotham City Police Dept. detective James Gordon , and his cynical partner , Harvey Bullock , seem to solve the case quickly , things are not so simple .

  17. 本文就以波伊斯和波洛克这两位大师为例,研究他们是怎么寻找到属于他们的无用之用,并很好地运用它们的。

    This essay , taking wave Eastman and pollock both masters as an example , studies how they find their own useless with , and it is quite good to use them .

  18. 同样身为培训师的波洛克表示自己看到战斗后造成的影响,而且就在特拉万·马丁对峙几天后,齐默尔曼出现黑眼圈及心理创伤。

    Pollock , who is also a trainer , said he 's seen his share of fight aftermaths and said that just days after the confrontation with Trayvon Martin , Zimmerman appeared black-eyed and emotionally traumatized .

  19. 为了探究认识规范的具体内容,波洛克站在自然主义的角度选择了设计的立场。因为只有站在设计的立场上才能说明认识规范的具体内容以及人类为什么会具备这些认识规范。

    In order to research the concrete contents of epistemic norms , Pollock chooses the design stance from the naturalistic perspective , because the design stance can help us understand the contents of epistemic norms and why we are equipped with such norms .

  20. “行动绘画”是波洛克对他所处社会现实的对抗或逃避,是他个人经历人生沧桑与不幸所积淀下的一种凶猛力量的宣泄。

    Action painting is not only a sign of Pollock 's antagonism with social reality or his escape from social reality , it is also an expression of his violent power accumulated on the basis of his misfortune as well as his personal tragic experience .