
  1. 粘接布的粘附力测定法本实验对肿瘤细胞系的癌胚抗原(EA)胞粘附活性进行了研究。

    Testing method for adhesion of bonded fabric Cell adhesion activity of CEA on tumor cell lines was studied in the experiment .

  2. 第二天,他们在法兰克福的I.G.法本大厦向美军总部报告时,又发生了昨天的事。

    The same thing happened next day at Frankfurt when they reported to the American army headquarters in the I.G. Farben building .

  3. 这个想法本月初在北卡罗莱纳州的用户接口会议上展示了。

    The idea was presented at a user interface conference in North Carolina earlier this month .

  4. 律法本是藉着摩西传的,恩典和真理,都是由耶稣基督来的。

    For the law was given by Moses , but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ .

  5. 这种宽限的滥用严重损害了债权人的利益,损害了执行的效率,也使强制执行法本应具有的刚性丧失殆尽。

    Those grace periods have severely harmed the creditor , the efficiency of procedure , and made enforcement procedure lose its rigidity .

  6. 我已加以审订并给了一个档名,以便其他的弟子们也可采用或稍加修改成为自用的法本。

    I revised it and gave it a file name , so other disciples may adopt of adapt for their own practices .

  7. 不当影响是英国衡平法本着公平正义的原则发展而来的一种确认合同效力的制度。

    Undue influence is a kind of system to affirm the validity of contract , which derived from equity and based on the principle of justice .

  8. 律法本是立软弱的人为大祭司。但在律法以后起誓的话,是立儿子为大祭司,乃是成全到永远的。

    For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity ; but the word of the oath , which was since the law , maketh the son , who is consecrated for evermore .

  9. 知识产权法本是维持知识产权人利益和公众利益平衡的社会平衡机制,且以维护公共利益为最终目的。

    The intellectual property law is the social balance mechanism that maintains a benefits balance between the owner of intellectual property and the public benefit , the ultimate goal is to protect the public benefit .