
  1. 萨克斯元帅希望给法国骑兵装备剑刃三角截面的剑,使士兵只能刺击。

    Marshal Saxe wished to arm the French cavalry with a blade of a triangular cross section so as to make the use of the point obligatory .

  2. 由于村内男人不多,二十岁女郎胡安。加兰拿起大棒,就上街和法国骑兵肉搏。

    As there were insufficient men in the village , a20-year-old girl , Juana Galan , took to the street to fight in hand-to-hand combat with the French cavalry , armed with a club .

  3. 一位法国骠骑兵上校,看样子刚起床,骑着一匹漂亮的肥壮的大灰马,带着两位骠骑兵从村里出来了。

    French colonel of hussars , evidently only just out of bed , came riding out of the village on a handsome , sleek , grey horse , accompanied by two hussars .

  4. 当法国的重骑兵踉跄地走到阵前时,他们已经精疲力竭,晕头转向而且惊恐万分,英国人几乎可以用卷起的报纸将他们打倒。

    By the time the French men-at-arms stumbled up to the enemy lines , exhausted , disoriented and terrified , the English could pretty much have taken them down with a rolled-up newspaper .

  5. 在一片致命的箭雨之下,法国骑士的冲锋骑兵先是步伐变得沉重,随后便陷入了深厚的、具有吸附力的淤泥中。

    Under a lethal shower of arrows , the French knights ' cavalry charge turned first into a cavalry plod and then into a foot trudge through deep , sucking ooze .