
  • 网络therapeutic vaccine;belagenpumatucel-L
  1. MAGEA3抗原已被广泛应用于肿瘤治疗性疫苗的研究。

    MAGE A3 has been used in various tumor therapeutic vaccines .

  2. 由于部分患者免疫系统受损,导致接种BCG的不安全,全球都在呼吁新型抗结核病药物和治疗性疫苗[1]。

    Because some patients existed the compromised immune systems , leading to insecurity of BCG vaccination , the world was appealing new anti-TB drugs and therapeutic vaccines [ 1 ] .

  3. B淋巴细胞刺激因子治疗性疫苗的研究

    Study on Therapeutic B Lymphocyte Stimulator Vaccine

  4. 抗HBV治疗性疫苗治疗HBV携带者的临床实验研究

    Clinical study on using anti-HBV therapeutic vaccine in the treatment of chronic HBV carriers

  5. HPV预防性和治疗性疫苗已经在发展研制中。

    The prophylactic and therapeutic HPV vaccine has being developed .

  6. 目的:对乙型肝炎病毒重组多表位抗原基因在大肠杆菌中表达的融合蛋白P/BPT进行免疫原性分析,以期为HBV预防/治疗性疫苗的研制奠定实验基础。

    Objective : To express protein of the therapeutic multi-epitope gene of Hepatitis B virus and to study its immunogenicity .

  7. 他所研发的针对已确诊HPV患者的治疗性疫苗目前已进入临床试验阶段。

    His therapeutic vaccine for patients already diagnosed with HPV is currently in human trials .

  8. 以HBcAg为基础的肝细胞癌治疗性疫苗的构建、表达和纯化

    Construction , Expression and Purification of a Hepatocellular Carcinoma Therapeutic Vaccine-HBcAg

  9. 整体重组酵母活菌治疗性疫苗抗HBV实验研究2、人脐带血来源树突状细胞抗HBV治疗实验研究

    The Study on the Anti-HBV Effect of Whole Live Recombinant Yeast as Therapeutic Vaccine 2.The Study on the Anti-HBV Immunity Induced by Human Cord Blood-Derived Dendritic Cells Pulsed with HBsAg

  10. 4本研究结果为DCs疫苗的优化和评价提供了实验方法,也为进一步深入研究新型肝细胞癌治疗性疫苗的功能和应用奠定了基础。

    The results of this study lay a foundation for the further research into effective therapeutic HCC vaccine and provided a useful platform for optimizing and evaluating DC-based vaccine .

  11. 伴随对HPV病毒抗原的研究,治疗性疫苗成为抗HPV及相关肿瘤生物治疗研究的热点之一。

    With the development of research on HPV viral antigen , therapeutic vaccine has become a hot pot of the research on therapy of HPV and its associated tumors .

  12. 目的以人乳头瘤病毒早期基因表达产物E7作为靶标,设计和合成宫颈癌治疗性疫苗并探讨其生物学效应。

    Objective To design and synthesize the therapeutic vaccine against human cervical cancer and evaluate its biological effects .

  13. 作为一种新型的治疗性疫苗,exosomes有着良好的研究价值和开发前景。

    Being a new type of therapeutic vaccine , exosomes is an important investigative value and a prospect of development .

  14. 在目前HPV治疗性疫苗没有取得突破性的进展,预防性疫苗仅适用于部分人群的情况下,治疗性药物的研究和开发仍然显得很重要。

    In the light of HPV therapeutic vaccine did not make further progress and the preventive vaccines only applies to part of the population , so the studies on therapeutic drugs are still very important .

  15. 目的:构建EB病毒潜伏期膜蛋白2A重组腺病毒,研究EB病毒相关肿瘤治疗性疫苗。

    Objective : To generate Epstein-Barr virus ( EBV ) Latent Membrane Protein 2A ( LMP2A ) recombinant adenovirus , and provide for further investigation on the therapy vaccine against EBV associated malignancies .

  16. 免疫剂量、免疫途径、免疫周期的确定:用灭活Hp全菌加氢氧化铝佐剂(以下简称Hp治疗性疫苗)注射免疫Hp感染沙鼠模型,选择最佳注射免疫途径、免疫剂量、免疫周期。

    Thirdly , Definition the immunizing dose , approach and periods : Administered inactivation H. pylori whole cell with aluminium hydroxide adjuvant ( H. pylori therapeutic vaccine , HpTV ) by Injection and find out the best way of injection immune .

  17. 目前,针对HPVE6、E7的治疗性疫苗已取得了较大进展。本文就近年来子宫颈癌治疗性疫苗的最新进展进行了综述。

    Great advance in therapeutic vaccine for HPV gene E6 and E7 has been achieved in recent years , and in the article the advance of the therapeutic vaccine against cervical cancer is reviewed .

  18. 基于热休克蛋白的慢性乙型肝炎治疗性疫苗的研究

    Research of Therapeutic Vaccine Against Chronic Hepatitis B Based on Heat Shock Protein

  19. 宫颈癌治疗性疫苗的设计、合成及其生物学效应

    Design and synthesis of the therapeutic vaccine against cervical cancer and its biological effects

  20. 人白细胞介素8治疗性疫苗的研制

    The Development of Therapeutic Vaccine of Human Interleukin-8

  21. 阿尔茨海默病预防及治疗性疫苗的研究进展

    Prophylactic and Therapeutic Vaccines Against Alzheimer 's Disease

  22. 自身免疫性疾病治疗性疫苗研究进展

    Advances in Therapeutic Vaccines Against Autoimmune Disease

  23. 微生物持续性感染与治疗性疫苗

    Persistent Microbial Infection and Therapeutic Vaccine

  24. 目的构建阿尔采默病治疗性疫苗原核表达载体。

    Objective To construct a prokaryotic expression vector for therapeutic Alzheimer disease ( AD ) vaccine .

  25. 治疗性疫苗研究进展

    The Advances on Therapeutic Vaccination

  26. 但是随着治疗性疫苗的出现,这种情况可能会发生变化,因为可能需要反复给予接种注射。

    However , this may change with the development of therapeutic vaccines , which might be administered repeatedly .

  27. 当前结核病治疗性疫苗的研究主要集中在基因疫苗[1]和灭活分枝杆菌治疗性疫苗[2]两个方面,治疗性活疫苗尚未见报道。

    Currently , the researches of tuberculosis therapeutic vaccines mainly focus on gene vaccine and the killed mycobacterium vaccae vaccine .

  28. 为乙型刖:炎的预防和治疗性疫苗免疫原的选择进行了成功的初步研究和探讨。

    ALL these as a basis study and explore of the choice of immunogen for preventive and therapeutic vaccines of Hepatitis B.

  29. 然而研制肿瘤治疗性疫苗,其前提是需要获得特异性肿瘤抗原。

    However , it is , important for us to get specific tumor antigen in order to develop tumor specific therapeutic vaccine .

  30. 不过他也表示,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家都应该保持耐心,治疗性疫苗还只是未来的希望。

    But he also says both the developed and the developing world must keep the promise that therapeutic vaccines hold in perspective .