
zhì shuǐ
  • Water control;regulate rivers and watercourses;prevent floods by water control;tame a river
治水 [zhì shuǐ]
  • [prevent floods by water control;regulate rivers and watercourse] 整治水利,疏通江河,避免泛滥成灾

  • 治水工程

治水[zhì shuǐ]
  1. 在国家强调依法治水的大背景下,正是长江流域生态保护相关法制建设的滞后,导致了长江流域水资源保护存在的种种问题。

    The country emphasizes " lawfully prevent floods by water control " in the background , it is catchment of the Yangtze River Ecological Protection of the lagging of the legal construction in the Yangtze River Basin water resources protection problems .

  2. 安庆铜矿综合治水工程及其评价

    Comprehensive harnessing water project and evaluation of the Anqing Copper Mine

  3. 依法治水,减少污染。

    In accordance with the law of water , reduce pollution .

  4. 治水:国家介入与农民合作

    Harness Rivers : The Country Gets Involved and Peasants Cooperation

  5. 论周馥的治水思想

    A Discussion on Zhou Fu 's Thought on Water Conservancy

  6. 珠水丙戌录·治水珠江水资源利用及发展

    The Water Supply and Its Development in the Pearl River

  7. 鲧用筑堤防的方法治水无功,为舜杀死。

    Gun failed with embankment and was killed by Shun .

  8. 科学治水需要有科学的工具。

    Science of water control required a tool of science .

  9. 加大水的管理体制改革力度,提高用水效率,是解决水资源短缺和浪费,实现水资源可持续利用和发展的治水新思路。

    To reform management system to enhance the efficiency of water usage .

  10. 杜66潜山稠油油藏治水方法研究

    Water control study of heavy oil reservoir in Du 66 buried hill

  11. 古代太湖流域治水思想的探讨

    Study on ancient idea of flood control in Taihu watershed

  12. 这些差异有着深刻的自然、历史、社会和文化根源,表面相似的鲧治水和普罗米修斯盗火的神话实质上折射出了东西方文化的差异。

    These differences come deeply from nature , history , society and culture .

  13. 禹在治水13年中,非常繁忙,竟至三过家门而不入。

    Yu flood at13 years , very busy , had three home without .

  14. 只有治水的成功,才能使洞窟脱离险境。

    Only success in controlling the water can deliver the caves from danger .

  15. 他全心全意进行治水的工程。

    He went into this project of water control with all his heart ,

  16. 周馥是中国近代著名的治水专家。

    Zhou Fu is a well-known water conservancy expert in Chinese modern history .

  17. 林则徐治水

    Achievements of Lin Ze-xu in Regulating Rivers and Watercourses

  18. 我国干旱区内陆河流域的治水思想探讨

    Thought of water harness of inland river basin in dry area of China

  19. 依法治水防洪强化防洪管理

    Preventing floods by water control according to law and strengthening flood control management

  20. 都江堰是以水治水的成功范例

    A Successful Example of Water-Control : Dujiangyan Irrigation Project

  21. 干旱区人水和谐治水思想的探讨

    Water control thoughts based on man-water harmony at inland river basins in arid areas

  22. 治水新解&对历史上若干治水案例的分析

    New Understanding on Harnessing Rivers : An Analysis of Some Historical Cases in China

  23. 禹是治水安民的历史英雄人物。

    Yu is the hero of controlling flood .

  24. 二论有中国特色的洪水风险管理&探求人与自然良性互动的治水模式

    Zoning of Chinese flood hazard risk Second paper on flood risk management with Chinese characteristics

  25. 治水、用水和避水是农业产业结构调整的实施重点。

    The adjustment of the structure of agricultural industry is to be centred around water .

  26. 清季湖南治水抗旱的举措

    The measures of resisting the flood and drought disasters in Hunan Province in Qing Dynasty

  27. 浅覆盖型岩溶区深基坑涌水的勘察治理&以桂林市万福路铁路下穿段帷幕灌浆治水为例

    Reconnaissance and harnessing for water control in basic pit of shallow overburden type karst area

  28. 基于主客观赋权法的深基坑治水方案优化

    Optimization of Groundwater Control in Deep Foundation Pit Based on Objective and Subjective Synthetic Approach

  29. 大规模的水利建设按照新的治水思路全面展开。

    Construction of large-scale water conservancy works has been launched following the new idea on flood-control .

  30. “十五”期间的水利改革与管理实现了重大跨越,治水思路发生了重大转变。

    In the10th Five-Year Plan period , water reformation and management had realized a great span .