
  • 网络paint bucket;Paint;bucket;Paint can;Paint Bucket Tool
  1. 油漆桶扣在了他的头上。

    The paint bucket fell down on his head .

  2. 我让一个油漆桶绊倒了小吐了一下

    I tipped over a paint can and threw up a little ,

  3. 我怎么知道那不是一个艺术品,这个艺术品碰巧包括梯子、油漆桶之类?

    How do I know that 's not a work of art that happens to consist of ladders and paint buckets and so forth ?

  4. 有个老笑话这样说,女人看三个不同的油漆桶时可以看到“色泽柔软的杏仁”,“烟熏的贝壳”和“过期的牛奶”,但是她们糊涂的丈夫却只能看到三桶奶黄漆。

    There 's an old joke that a woman can look at three different tins of paint and see " brushed almond , " " smokey seashells , " and " expired milk , " whereas her confused husband can only see three tins of cream paint .

  5. 油漆开桶前应验证品名、规格、颜色等,是否超过贮存期,否则应复验合格后方可使用;

    Prior to paint 's application , products name , mode , color , shelf time should be checked , or only re-tested products can be used .

  6. 一位油漆工把一只油漆桶挂在了一根指针上,把针弄慢了。

    A painter hung a pot of paint on one of the hand and slowed the clock down .