- 网络Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect;Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program

It was spurred to new heights by the launch of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect scheme just as the two companies ' merger plans were finalised .
During the morning session on Wednesday , southbound turnover through the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect rose past HK $ 15bn ( US $ 1.9bn ), more than double the previous daily record .
Even before the stock connect launched , demand for QFII appeared tepid .
Second , access to daily liquidity needs to be improved , such as by lifting the existing limits on traffic through the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect .
The Hong Kong-Shanghai Stock Connect is due to go live next month , allowing investors in each market to trade shares directly in the other .
and the recently implemented Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect are all bolstering ties between China and the rest of the world , both directly and through Hong Kong .
Charles Li , chief executive of Hong Kong Exchanges Clearing , has played down the idea that a launch is imminent , saying last week there is no set timetable .
The Hong Kong Stock Exchange has been working frantically to address problems raised by international fund managers , who have had concerns over the legal status of investments held through Stock Connect and their ownership of those shares at various points during the trading cycle .
The letter , first reported by Reuters , goes on to say that anything less than two weeks ' warning could well mean that participation in the stock connect launch will be limited .
The Stock Connect also offers investors the sort of virtually anonymous access to China they get elsewhere & unlike QFII , where approvals mean investors are known and their trading decisions tracked .
The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect has provided some rich retail investors access to Hong Kong-listed shares , while the tightly controlled qualified domestic institutional investor programme gives financial institutions an avenue to purchase overseas bonds and securities .
With the Shanghai-HK Connect , and this Mutual Fund Connect , onshore and offshore individuals and institutions now have more channels and greater quotas to make cross-border financial market investments , said analysts at the Japanese bank .
Although some investment banks - such as UBS and Goldman Sachs - have long operated joint-ventures that produce both Chinese and English-language research , the opening late last year of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect has prompted many others to rethink the way they cover Asia 's second largest stock market .
Stock Connect also gave many Chinese investors access to Hong Kong stocks for the first time .
The regulations for the Hu-GangTong say mainland investors must have at least 500000 yuan to join the program .
The scheme was expected to launch in late October but has still not been given the green light from Beijing .
But a Shanghai stock exchange official said in January that regulators were considering opening up the futures market to connect participants .
The assumption is that should the Stock Connect be a success , the initial quotas could be widened and more exchanges added .
The deal was the first by an eligible Hong Kong Stock Exchange issuer since the launch of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect .
Longer term , however , market participants expect more investors , institutional and other , to use Stock Connect as it expands .
The Stock Connect is a cross-border trading programme that has given overseas funds free access to mainland-listed companies for the first time .
We as an industry are strong supporters of the stock connect project and are very committed to having a successful launch , he added .
The Stock Connect a cross-border share trading link has given foreign investors access to hundreds of Shanghai-listed stocks without the need for a licence .
International investors also have been reallocating funds to the Hong Kong market , as shown by net selling of Shanghai equities through the Stock Connect .
The new Shanghai-Hong Kong Connect programme , which allows investors to buy some A-shares via Hong Kong , will address some of the access issues .
There has been a rush to align systems , capture clients , clarify rules , navigate long-running tax disputes and resolve legal conundrums before the launch .
Rising exposure to onshore bonds has been partly enabled by the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect , a cross-border share trading scheme that bypasses existing quota systems .
Those uncertainties prompted Asia 's financial markets industry body , Asifma , to write to regulators to plea for sufficient notice ahead of the formal launch .
Many have mandates that prevent them from investing into the Chinese mainland , so they must redraft these rules before they can start buying through Stock Connect .
A successful launch could also pave the way for Chinese equities to be added to global indices , potentially drawing hundreds of billions of dollars into mainland markets .