
shā miàn
  • Shameen
  1. 由Bagnold提出的空气动力学粗糙度概念,是描述各种表面空气动力学特征的重要参数,已被广泛应用于沙面、植被覆盖表面、雪面、水面等。

    The concept " aerodynamic roughness length " defined by Bagnold is an important parameter for wind erosion research . It has been widely applied in sand bed , vegetation conditions , snow bed and water surface .

  2. “工人正在重建沙面一间被烧毁嘅建筑”,有无边位知道呢度响边呢?

    Workers reconstructing a building burned out an incident on the Shameen .

  3. 热气经白色的沙面反射形成了蜃景

    The heat reflected from the white sand forms a mirage

  4. 不同沙面地被物增温效应的初步研究

    A Preliminary Research on Increasing Temperature Effectiveness in Different types of Desert Ground covers

  5. 基哈西从以利沙面前出去,就患了?疯,像雪那样白。

    And he went out from his presence a leper as white as snow .

  6. 河西走廊沙区沙面稳定性指标的观测研究

    Indexes of Sand Surface Stability in Hexi Corridor

  7. 沙面-一个逍遥于湖面的小镇。古色古香,宁静,神秘

    ShaMian-A small town live in the middle of lake . Antique , peaceful , mysterious

  8. 我在沙面发现这个女孩很有趣。

    When I saw this girl in Shamian island I found that she was very interesting .

  9. 当悲伤成为共同的,它就会抹去沙面的界线。

    When sorrow becomes mutual , it begins to erase the lines drawn in the sand .

  10. 沙面当时是英法帝国主义在广州的租界。

    Shameen , a section of the city of Canton , was held on lease by British imperialism .

  11. 研究结果表明,工程防护体系内土壤含水率整体高于原始沙面的土壤水分。

    In this study we measured the moisture at the typical soil profile , and some results are concluded .

  12. 实验结果表明沙粒浓度沿距离沙面的高度呈负指数分布特征。

    It has been found that the sand concentration shows a negative exponential profile along the height over the sand surface .

  13. 让你白跑一趟真的万分抱歉,因为我们非常想在沙面见到你。

    I really am very sorry about your wasted journey and of course we would love to have seen you on Shamian .

  14. 在第五天赛程开始前,组织方说10公里后的赛段会是硬质沙路,然而沙面却越来越松软,就如同吞噬双脚的流沙。

    Before the fifth stage , they had told us the sand would get firmer after 10km , but instead it becomes even softer , like leg-sucking quicksand .

  15. 父亲为什么会把我逼到蒙娜丽沙面前,并且给我听交响乐?我想这是那种叫做命运的东西。

    Why did father push me in front of Mona lisa , and make me listen to symphonic music ? I guess that 's the thing called fate .

  16. 该沙漠广泛发育的生物结皮,是除种子植物以外固定沙面的重要生物因子。

    There is an abundant biological crust on the sand surface of the desert , which serves as one of the biological factors contributing to the sand fixation besides plants .

  17. 在格状边框内,由于气流的涡旋作用,使格内原始沙面充分蚀积最后达到平衡状态,即稳定的凹曲面形成。

    Due to the eddy action of airflow , the sand in sand-barriers can reach a state of equilibrium between erosion and accumulation , and finally form a stable concave surface .

  18. 在同一地区约同一时间相同的日照下,沙面温度明显高于粘土、麦草沙障表面和沙生植物叶面温度。

    The sand ground temperature is higher obviously than clay straw barrier ground and the leaf surface of natural desert plants under the same conditions of sunlight , time and the area .

  19. 1857年,英法联军攻陷广州,于1861年迫使清政府签订《天津条约》,强行把沙面租给英法帝国主义。

    In 1857 , British and French troops capture Guangzhou in 1861 forced the Qing government to sign the " Treaty of Tianjin ", forcibly leased to the British and French imperialism sand surface .

  20. 根据光源的开启情况,分别模拟了太阳模拟器做有规律的升降运动时,单开一组光源、同时开启两组和多组光源实验室内模型实验区沙面辐射场的分布。

    During the regular moving of the solar simulator , the distribution of solar radiation on the sand surface was computed under the situations in which different groups of the lamp-house were turned on .

  21. 结果表明:首次清淤率在总清淤率中所占比重最大,随着运行次数的增加泥沙面趋于稳定,清淤率急剧下降。

    The results show that the first cleansing rate is the largest proportion in total cleansing rate . With the increase of operating number , the sediment surface tends to be stable and cleansing rate decreases rapidly .

  22. 本文全面分析了沙粒浓度分布、速度分布和沙面上起动沙粒速度参数的频率分布等,阐述了两种沙粒起动方式在风沙流中的不同表现,并对相关研究资料中的不足进行修正。

    Our research analyzes comprehensively the sand data , such as thickness distribution , velocity distribution , frequency distribution of sand incipience velocity , expatiates the behaviors of these two sand incipiences in wind-blown-sand flow , then our research amends some deficiency of relative researches .

  23. 【英文原文】【中文翻译】一只沙漠中的锄足蟾露出沙面,警惕地盯着澳大利亚的爱丽丝泉沙漠公园。生物总藏匿在想不到的地方:这些蟾在内地的红沙深处等待雨水——如果需要,它们会等待多年。

    Desert Spadefoot Frog , Australia , 1999 " A desert spadefoot frog surfaces with a wary stare at Australia 's Alice Springs Desert Park . Life hides in unexpected places : These frogs wait for rain deep in the outback 's red sands - for years , if need be . "