
shā xiāng
  • sandbox
沙箱[shā xiāng]
  1. 缺省情况下,运行在JavaWebStart下的应用程序运行在受限的沙箱内。

    By default , an application running under Java Web Start runs within a restricted sandbox .

  2. Linux系统内核的沙箱模块实现

    A Sandbox System in Linux Kernel

  3. 我们的域只由一个LotusDomino服务器(沙箱)组成。

    Our domain consists of just one Lotus Domino server ( the sandbox ) .

  4. 让签名的Flex应用摆脱Flash沙箱的束缚。

    Signed Flex applications would be interesting to break out of the Flash sandbox .

  5. 选择第一个选项“Setupthefirstserverorastand-aloneserver”,因为我们希望这个沙箱环境是单独的服务器。

    Choose the first option ," Set up the first server or a stand-alone server ," because you want the sandbox environment to be stand-alone .

  6. Ajax采用一种沙箱安全模型。

    Ajax has a sandbox security model .

  7. 设计Java语言之初就是为了允许在一个安全沙箱中运行不信任的、潜在恶意的代码。

    The Java language was designed from day one to allow the execution of untrusted , potentially malicious code in a secure sandbox .

  8. 注册并登录到企业现代沙箱上,一个远程虚拟的桌面,在它上面安装有所有的IBMEnterpriseModernization工具。

    Register for and login to the enterprise modernization sandbox , a remote , virtual desktop , with all of the IBM Enterprise Modernization tools installed .

  9. 在AdditionalServices屏幕上,点击Finish,因为对于设置沙箱不需要修改后续屏幕上的任何设置。

    On the Additional Services screen , click Finish because you don 't need to change anything in the subsequent screens to set up the sandbox .

  10. 这个工具使用“沙箱”和“树”进行软件项目建模,让化身可以在3D环境中查看和讨论代码。

    The tool modeled software projects using " sandboxes " and " trees " so that avatars can gather around to see and discuss code in a3D environment .

  11. 它的APIs、工具和子项目允许您在一个沙箱环境中加载资源并执行脚本。

    Its APIs , tools , and subprojects let you load resources and execute scripts in a sandboxed environment .

  12. 另一方面,对于本地Java应用程序,很少会(如果会的话)安装将提供类似沙箱环境的安全管理器。

    For local Java applications , on the other hand , the security manager that would have provided a similar sandboxed environment was rarely ( if ever ) installed .

  13. 它还确保脚本可以安全执行,并提供一个沙箱来控制DOM的访问和修改。

    It also ensures that scripts are safe to execute and provides a sandbox to control access and modification of the DOM .

  14. 由于SWT需要在缺省的沙箱之外运行来装入系统库,因此用JavaWebStart部署的所有JAR文件必须经过数字签名。

    Since SWT needs to operate outside the default sandbox to load a system library , all JAR files deployed with Java Web Start must be digitally signed .

  15. 本文指导您设置一个用于进行开发的Sametime服务器沙箱环境。

    This article guides you in setting up a Sametime server sandbox environment for development purposes .

  16. 我始终建议AIX管理员在Systemp服务器上创建沙箱Linux分区,以便在企业希望将该平台投入使用时能够顺利地开始。

    I always recommend that AIX administrators create a sandbox Linux partition on their System p server so that they can get a head start when the business wants to put something on the platform .

  17. 除了加载沙箱资源外,DojoXSecure提供可用于构建沙箱UI工件的功能。

    In addition to loading sandboxed resources , DojoX Secure provides functionality that you can use to build sandboxed UI artifacts .

  18. 如同使用applet沙箱(sandbox),这样可以保证恶意的应用程序不能造成任何破坏。

    As with the applet sandbox , this guarantees that a malicious application cannot do any harm .

  19. 而且,虽然可以定义定制任务来扩展Ant的构建过程,但是这么做通常会把应用程序的行为局限在有限的沙箱中。

    Additionally , while it is possible to extend Ant 's build process by defining custom tasks , doing so typically confines application behavior to a limited sandbox .

  20. 来自中国安全研究团队KeenTeam的陈良利用一个堆溢出及沙箱绕过组合攻破了苹果的Safari浏览器。这个团队共用了三个月时间来完善这个组合。

    Safari was defeated by Liang Chen , one of a pair Chinese Keen Team hackers , using a heap-overflow-and-sandbox-bypass combination that took three months to perfect .

  21. 这个代码允许您编写一些UI工件以便在任何DojoXSecure沙箱中使用,并实现安全加载和执行。

    This code lets you write UI artifacts for use within any DojoX Secure sandbox and count on secure loading and execution .

  22. 管理员可以使用LotusDominoAdministrator应用程序添加LotusSametime用户;但是,在沙箱环境中这个过程是冗长乏味的。

    An administrator can use the Lotus Domino Administrator application to add Lotus Sametime users ; however , this can be tedious in a sandbox environment .

  23. 通过将DOM操作限制到沙箱元素的子元素和节点,您可以在沙箱中安全地操作浏览器的DOM。

    By restricting DOM manipulation to child elements and nodes of the sandboxed element , you can securely manipulate the browser 's DOM within the sandbox .

  24. 记住,由于Ajax代码是沙箱型的,因而只能连接到同一个域,实际上URL中不需要域名。

    Remember : Since Ajax code is sandboxed and can only connect to the same domain , you really shouldn 't need a domain name in your URL .

  25. 文章讨论了CORBA防火墙规范和Java沙箱安全机制,提出使用多代理技术以实现基于CORBA的分布式对象Web,从而构架出多层B/S系统。

    This paper discusses CORBA firewall specification and Java sandbox security , presents a design using multi-proxy technology to implement CORBA-based distributed object web and to construct a multi-tier B / S system .

  26. 本文中所述的EJB代理方法最适合用于需要轻量级低成本解决方案来满足沙箱、测试或概念验证需求的情况。

    The EJB proxy approach described in this article is best used when you need a lightweight , low-cost solution for sandbox , test , or proof-of-concept situations .

  27. 这个沙箱系统作为Linux内核模块实现,可以在不改变原有系统内核和应用程序的情况下部署运行,增强了操作系统的安全性能。

    Thus it greatly improves the system 's security level . Deploying this sandbox system needs no modification to existing operating system kernel and applications , because it is implemented as a Linux kernel module .

  28. 由于DojoXSecure沙箱脚本能够访问沙箱元素,您可以直接在沙箱元素上执行DOM元素创建和操作。

    Because DojoX Secure sandboxed scripts have access to the sandboxed element , you can perform DOM element creation and manipulation directly on the sandboxed element .

  29. 您还可以使用loadJS函数调用加载JavaScript文件并在沙箱中执行它们

    You can also load JavaScript files and execute them within the sandbox using the loadJS function call

  30. 要将它与eXistXMLDatabase一起使用,您需要安装了该数据库;否则,使用ZorbaXQuery处理器(可以通过在线沙箱得到)。

    To use it with the eXist XML Database , you need to have the database installed ; otherwise , use the Zorba XQuery processor , which is available through an online sandbox .