- silent mutation

Researchers wondered why the silent mutation , called C3435T , showed up much more frequently than expected for a change that doesn 't have an effect on the cancer cells'survival .
The cell might be able to compensate for one silent mutation but not for multiple rarely used triplets .
A silent nucleotide change was introduced into the cDNA clone to create a Xba I site ( C to T at 8453nt ) that is used as a genetic marker of this infectious clone . This genetic marker was retained in the genome of recovered progeny virus .
The fragment with SSCP polymorphism in the second exon was cloned and sequenced , the sequencing results showed that there was a single nucleotide mutation , i. e G → T at 480 , this mutation did not change its encoding amino acid . 4 .
Base transitions and base transversions were frequently found among 165 confirmed non-silenced mutations .
Results : 29 mutations were found in 28 tumor tissues not including 2 types of silent mutation , in which included 15 deletion mutations and 14 missense mutations .