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chén zuì
  • get drunk;become intoxicated;ebriety;be heavily drunk;drunk
沉醉 [chén zuì]
  • (1) [become intoxicated;be heavily drunk]

  • (2) 大醉

  • 浊酒三杯沉醉去,水流花谢知何处?--《儒林外史》

  • (3) 比喻沉浸在某事物或某境界中

  • 常记溪亭日暮,沉醉不知归路。--宋. 李清照《如梦令》

  • 沉醉在节日的欢乐里

沉醉[chén zuì]
  1. 沉醉在红酒与爱河里。

    Get drunk on wine and promise love .

  2. 它太复杂、太神奇了,不过人们在沉醉于其多重特点和新颖色彩的同时,也对它提出了多重的制约和规范。

    It is too complex , amazing , but people get drunk at its multiple features and new colors at the same time , it also put forward a multi-constraints and norms .

  3. 迈克尔抓着她的手臂,沉醉于音乐中。

    Michael held on to her arm , losing himself in the music

  4. 她沉醉于婚后幸福的浪漫幻想。

    She clings to a romantic fantasy of wedded bliss .

  5. 他的歌声经常让人在沉醉的同时又感到放松愉悦。

    His songs are often both hypnotic and reassuringly pleasant

  6. 孩子出生后,他们沉醉在狂喜之中。

    Hey were in a state of euphoria after the baby was born .

  7. 沉醉在爱情中的马西米兰默默地注视着她。

    Maximilian , in his devotedness , gazed silently at her .

  8. 一副拼图就能让我沉醉几个小时。

    A jigsaw puzzle can keep me absorbed for hours .

  9. 如此青春的美色,比醇酒更令他沉醉入迷。

    Such youth and prettiness reacted upon him more subtly than wine .

  10. 当你读懂一个小故事、一篇课文,甚至更长篇的英语文艺作品时,总会让你沉醉入迷。

    It is always fascinating to realize that you understand a short story , a text or even longer pieces of art in English .

  11. 又歌了一回,再饮数杯酒,不觉沉醉,力不胜酒,便呼酒保计算了,取些银子算还,多的都赏了酒保。

    He intoned the verses to himself , then downed a few more cups of wine . He was very dunk . Song-Jiang asked for the bill , paid , and told the waiter to keep the change . (

  12. Turkey我沉醉于这出电影的美感与能量。

    I was stunned by the beauty and power of this film .

  13. 在《Dress》(《连衣裙》)这首歌中,她沉醉于令人激动的新恋情里;

    On " Dress , " she 's high on the rush of a new romantic thrill ;

  14. 一年前,当人们沉醉于WTO的讨论之际,一场全球性的产业转移正在悄然进行。

    One year ago , when people were addicted to the discussion of WTO , a global industry transformation was going on quietly .

  15. 如此自我沉醉用推特发送Vine

    So self obsessed , tweeting your Vines

  16. 这也许能提供一种更令人沉醉的AR体验(虚拟实境的护目镜),并有助于AR变得更为普遍有用。

    These could provide a more immersive AR experience ( Augmented Reality Goggles ) and help AR become more common , and more useful .

  17. Nest的拥趸沉醉于其便捷的安装过程和简约的设计,霍尼韦尔的粉丝则喜欢该公司产品更为细致的控制功能。

    Nest fanatics rave about the ease of installation and minimalistic design , while Honeywell fans like the more nuanced control of Honeywell 's Smart Thermostat .

  18. 我正沉醉在看着DJ转啊转的时候,觉得有谁在拉我的袖子。

    I was a bit intoxicated watching a DJ " spin " and felt a small tug on my sleeve .

  19. 这本“梦幻题材的无字处女作”让评审员萨曼莎·亨特(SamanthaHunt)沉醉在其中。书中的插图都是烟雾朦胧、看上去有些神秘的铅笔画。

    Our reviewer , Samantha Hunt , was enchanted by this " dreamy , wordless debut , " lovingly illustrated with smoky , mystical-looking pencil drawings .

  20. 除有些人是真的沉醉于让别人久等的快感中无法自拔之外,其他人拖拉只是因为对于从A地到B地实际需要花费的时间做了过分乐观的估计。但是如果你下决心改变,你一定可以变得更守时。

    Additionally , some people actually get an adrenaline high from keeping others waiting . Others are just overly optimistic about how long it really takes to get from Point A to Point B. But you can become more punctual if you work at it .

  21. 野马浪费一点时间沉醉于他的家乡在外地Tebow。

    The Broncos wasted little time getting Tebow on the field in his hometown .

  22. 这四年时间你沉醉于令人兴奋的啤酒、性别研究以及网络色情图片——所以你毕业论文的题目就是《现代‘按摩惊喜’视频中詹姆斯一世时期的戏剧隐喻》(JacobeanDramaticTropesinModern'MassageSurprise'Videos)。

    You 've spent four years percolating in a warm stew of beer , gender studies and online pornography which led to the subject of your senior thesis , ' Jacobean Dramatic Tropes in Modern ' Massage Surprise ' Videos . '

  23. 让心灵沉醉在东西方文化相融的交响曲中,轻松感受“SHUQINGFASHION舒謦”所描绘的一种与众不同的时尚潮流。

    Let the soul intoxicated blending eastern and western cultures in the symphony , the relaxed feeling " SHUQINGFASHION " described a different fashion .

  24. 在我思忖这个问题的时候,碧翠丝刚好看完了英国歌舞剧《玛蒂尔达》(Matilda),深深沉醉于作者伊妮德·布莱顿(EnidBlyton)创作的历险传奇。这位已故儿童文学作家在美国海岸地区虽然不太主流,但在英国却备受尊敬。

    As I was contemplating all this , Beatrice happened to be fresh off two viewings of the very English musical " Matilda " and knee-deep in the adventure tales of Enid Blyton , the late children 's book author who remains marginal on these shores but is still revered in Britain .

  25. 无法再感受我们曾沉醉的温柔的吻。

    No more feel the tender kisses we used to share .

  26. 当你沉醉于一本好书时,时间会过得很快!

    Time passes quickly when you 're reading a good book !

  27. 尼克和苏沉醉在活泼而幽默的交谈中。

    Nick and Sue engaged in a vivacious , witty conversation .

  28. 让我沉醉在这个美妙的时刻

    Let me live in this moment and be present right now

  29. 给你5分钟时间,在甜蜜的痛苦中沉醉。

    You have five minutes to wallow in the delicious misery .

  30. 我沉醉在夜晚的情调中。

    I was caught up in the mood of the evening .