
  • 网络Christian Vorting;VORIVODIN;Voldane;Wodin
  1. 沃丁顿把录音带倒回去,把留言又放了一遍。

    Waddington rewound the tape and played the message again

  2. 弗兰普顿乱打一通,没有打到沃丁顿却打到了一位老人。

    Frampton struck out blindly , hitting not Waddington , but an elderly man .

  3. 彼得•沃丁顿(PeterWaddington)原来担任警察,现在是伍尔弗汉普顿大学公众秩序控制方面的专家。他和马丁对塑料子弹(警方称之为“防暴子弹”)的作用均持怀疑态度。

    Both he and Peter Waddington , a former policeman and now an authority on crowd control at Wolverhampton University , are sceptical about plastic bullets ( or baton rounds as the police call them ) .

  4. 沃丁顿爵士的拍卖刺激了市场。

    The wardington sales have galvanised the market .

  5. 不幸的是,就在沃丁顿爵士在收藏方面的洞察力获得市场认可之前,他去世了。

    Unfortunately , Lord wardington died just before the market endorsed his collecting acumen .

  6. 这张照片是由来自绍斯波特的42岁的英国摄影师安迪沃丁顿拍摄的。

    The picture was taken by US based British photographer Andy Waddington , 42 , originally from Southport .

  7. 在沃丁顿地图集的收藏者中,几乎没人会想把它们分拆开来,将个别地图进行出售,但这一直是地图界所使用的方法。

    Few collectors of the wardington atlases would dream of splitting them up and selling off the individual maps but that has been the way of the map world .

  8. 这些地图另一个吸引之处(沃丁顿爵士或许不会关心)是,对新收藏者而言,入门起点无须超过5英镑。

    Another attraction of maps , perhaps one that did not concern Lord wardington , is that for new collectors , the entry point need not be more than 5 .