
  • 网络polluter pay principle
  1. 根据污染者负担原则,加上生产者最了解产品的特殊地位和产品的外部效应,生产者应该承担产品环境责任中的主要责任。

    In accordance with polluter pays principle , producers know the special position and the externalities of the product . The producer should take most of environmental responsibilities .

  2. 环境法的污染者负担原则研究

    A Study of the " Polluter Pay Principle " of Environmental Law

  3. 我国环境立法对污染者负担原则的接受和确认,有一个渐进的过程,先后规定了谁污染,谁治理和污染者治理原则。

    It was a gradually advancing course to accept and affirm the Polluter Pay Principle ( PPP ) in our environmental legislation , which had successively stipulated the principles of " Who Pollutes , Who Controls " and " Polluter Controls " .