- 名The parties to the bill of exchange;party to a draft;accommodation party

Where the parties to a bill of exchange have agreed otherwise regarding the type of currency in payment , such agreement shall be complied with .
In other cases , for the bills of any party responsible , not have to prompt acceptance .
The drawing or indorsement entitles the holder to receive payment of the bill , and to enforce it against any other party thereto .
In like manner , any party liable on a bill may be discharged by the intentional cancellation of his signature by the holder or his agent .
The person ( or institution ) who accepts a check or draft and becomes responsible for paying the party named in the draft when it matures .
If two or more people to pay the bill for parties different from the ticketed , then for the payment of the bill can be lifted up to the party responsible for the given priority .
" Where a bill drawn in one country is negotiated , accepted , or payable in another , the rights , duties , and liabilities of the parties thereto are determined as follows & "
The liabilities of any party to a bill may in like manner be renounced by the holder before , at , or after its maturity ;