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The internal monitor 's report surveyed the fund 's exchange rate policy advice to 30 countries between 1999 and 2005 .
The IMF 's independent evaluation office said the fund needed a major refocus of efforts to remedy an effectiveness gap in the IMF 's advice on exchange rate policy .
The Adoption and Operation of the Renminbi Exchange Policy after China Joining in the WTO
China has taken what Barack Obama called the constructive step of abandoning the renminbi 's peg against the US dollar .
If China continues to stand firm in the face of US pressure for policy change , the case will almost certainly go to the World Trade Organisation .
He told Reuters yesterday that any shift in currency policy would only be " gradual and controlled " .
Stable exchange rate has improved the export , FDI and the efficiency of China 's expansionary fiscal policy , which help China 's economic growth greatly .
China also appears to have persuaded G20 participants that it intends to communicate its economic and currency policies more clearly in future .
The disagreement among the 24-member board weakens the pressure on China further to revalue the renminbi after it abandoned its peg to the dollar in June .
Welcoming the agreement , Tim Geithner , US Treasury Secretary , said the world still needed to " establish stronger norms for exchange rate policies " .
With more objective metrics for judging currency policy , the official said , logically we ought to be more explicit now in terms of whether members are actually meeting their obligations .
They said existing currency policies were out of date and " pose a serious threat to the global trading system by violating the principles of the International Monetary Fund and the WTO " .
China tried to pre-empt a potential showdown at the upcoming G20 summit yesterday when it warned the other large economies not to use the Toronto meeting as a platform to criticise its currency policy .
Japan 's polite but pointed call for currency responsibility from South Korea and China has highlighted growing international tensions over exchange rates ahead of a summit of the G20 leading economies in Seoul next month .
The fund reiterated its support for a more flexible renminbi , but said that it needed to be part of a package of reforms to increase Chinese growth and contribute , however modestly , to rebalancing the global economy .
Ken Peng , an economist at Citigroup , said market uncertainty about Greece gave China a " unique opportunity " to reform its currency policy because expectations about the size of any appreciation had reduced considerably .
In recent days Hank Paulson , the US Treasury secretary , and Susan Schwab , the US trade representative , have both made statements admonishing China over its trade , economic and currency policies .
Insisting that China respect and that the IMF enforce the agreed international code of conduct on exchange rate policy is not " China bashing " ; it is instead investing in a system that helps to keep markets open for all countries .
The IMF 's role in providing exchange rate policy advice is based on a set of formal obligations but the report found that the rules of the game for exchange rate surveillance are unclear , both for the IMF and the member countries .
The US will seek to use the forthcoming meeting of the G20 countries in Seoul , South Korea , to put pressure on China to loosen its exchange rate policy , which has also drawn complaints from several other G20 nations .
Mr Redeker said a positive solution over currency policy at the G20 meeting would have a huge impact on currency markets , allowing the dollar to weaken against those currencies it should have weakened against in the first place , namely Asian currencies .
Ronald McKinnon would argue that the state is pursuing a rational policy of fixing exchange rates , as a monetary anchor , while the balance of payments surpluses are simply the result of excess savings .
Rather , Mr Dalio , founder and chief investment officer of money manager Bridgewater Associates , said the longer-term solution would involve currency policies - such as a revaluation of the Chinese renminbi - to address the US 's trade imbalance .
Congress is in a protectionist lather about China 's fixed exchange-rate regime and the country 's bids to buy two of America 's best-known companies , Unocal and Maytag ( see article ) .
Tariffs and exchange rate policy research of the balance of macroeconomy
Yet how the policy will evolve is much less clear .
The conclusion is that Asian exchange-rate policy is perfectly rational .
The Analysis of the Credibility of the RMB Exchange Rate Policy
Chinese choice of exchange rate policy : from the microeconomic perspective
On China Foreign Exchange Reform in the Unbalanced International Monetary System