
  • 网络water resources allocation
  1. 确定区域水资源分配权重的最小相对熵方法

    Minimum relative information entropy method for determining weights of region water resources allocation

  2. 基于水量水质双控制的流域水资源分配模型

    Water resources allocation model based on the dual-control of water quantity and quality

  3. 本论文的应用的GAMS所编制的水资源分配模型得到的成果对首都圈内将来水资源的分配具有指导和参考价值。

    Water resource allocation achievement that getted from GAMS model have guidance and reference value in the future to capital circle .

  4. 丘陵山地农业水资源分配决策支持系统研制

    Research on Decision Support System for Hilly Agricultural Water Resource Allocation

  5. 水资源分配社会保障制度建立研究

    Study on Establishment of Water Resource Distribution and Social Security System

  6. 清代河西走廊的水资源分配制度&黑河、石羊河流域水利制度的个案考察

    Distribution System of Water Resources in Hexi Corridor in Qing Dynasty

  7. 水资源分配的决策模型及应用

    A Decision Model For Water Resource Allocation and Its Application

  8. 农作物优化灌溉制度及水资源分配模型的研究进展

    Advances in research on the crop optimal irrigation schedule and water allocating models

  9. 新疆叶尔羌河流域水资源分配与绿洲生态

    Distribution of Water Resources of Yarkant River Basin and Its Oasis Ecology in Xinjiang

  10. 基于可持续发展的农村水资源分配模式研究

    Research on the Optimal Allocation of Rural Water Resource Based on the Sustainable Development

  11. 内陆河流域水资源分配的二层性及其优化分析

    The Bilevel Characteristic and Optimal Analysis of Water Resources Distribution in Inland River Basins

  12. 水资源分配冲突的博弈分析

    Game Analysis for Conflicts in Water Resource Allocation

  13. 江河水资源分配模型

    Water Resources Distribution Models on the River

  14. 基于供应链管理理论的南水北调水量控制与水资源分配模型研究

    Study on Water Control and Collocation of South-to-North Water Transfer Based on the Theory of SCM

  15. 水资源分配制度是一项规模庞大、体系复杂的系统工程。

    Water resource management is a system engineering which is a hugeness scope and a complex system .

  16. 持续与强烈的农业开发活动对水资源分配利用产生外部性影响。

    Sustainable and intensive agricultural development activities have an external impact on the allocation and utilization of water resources .

  17. 结合这些研究,对我国的跨境水资源分配,提出了相关建议。

    And ( 5 ) the relative suggestions for the allocation of trans-boundary water resources in China are put forward .

  18. 基于灰关联熵的汉江中下游地区水资源分配模型和方法研究

    The model and method of the middle and lower basins of Hanjiang River water resource allocation based on gray relational entropy

  19. 应用势能理论的基本规律解释水资源分配规律,提出水资源分配理论。

    The water allocation rule is explained using potential energy theory ; thus , the water allocation theory is brought forward .

  20. 他一直不懈努力去影响学者、法学人士以及政策制定者们,并且努力进行水资源分配的稳定和平管理。

    His work continues to influence scholars , legal practitioners and policy-makers and c the sustainable and peaceful management of shared waters .

  21. 第四章是对水权研究实例&泾惠渠灌区的概况进行分析,论述了该区域的自然地理状况,水资源分配情况,水资源利用现状及发展规划情况。

    The chapter 4 elaborated on research area situation , referring to natural and geological overview , water allocation and utilization situation .

  22. 本文着重介绍了澳大利亚水资源分配的法律原则,希望对水资源短缺的国家和地区在立法上有一定的借鉴意义。

    The government of Australia has explored and reformed in the field of water resource distribution and has achieved a lot of successful experiences .

  23. 江河水资源分配模型是将水库最优放水流量以及下游河段的区间入流按用户或河段进行分配,以使全河获得最大效益。

    Based on the joint reservoirs operation for the Yellow main stream , optimal and simulating rational distributing models for river 's water resources are presented .

  24. 所以研究干旱的出现原因和对干旱程度提前预测使之用来提高灌溉用水的利用率和压缩农业灌溉用水便成为水资源分配的长期研究课题。

    Therefore the research of advance irrigation water used rate and compress agriculture irrigation water used then becomes a long-term research topic of the water resource distribution .

  25. 除了这种经济上的合作,各国也针对有争议的水资源分配和开发问题进行协商,避免事态扩大严重化。

    In addition to this economic cooperation , countries need the controversial issue of water allocation and development of consultation , to avoid a serious of events to expand .

  26. 本研究认为:农业开发造成流域水资源分配利用失衡,以及生态环境恶化的原因有三方面:一是水土公共物品产权不清与市场机制缺失导致流域管理失灵。

    There are three reasons : First , Indistinct property right of the common goods and the lack of the market mechanism lead to the failure of river management .

  27. 中亚五国之间除了围绕水资源分配问题产生一系列纠纷争端,同时也因为各国长期不合理的开发、污染和浪费水资源也产生了许多矛盾。

    Moreover , they have long-term not appropriate use of development , waste , pollution , and five Central Asian countries have many disputes around the allocation of water resources .

  28. 经济活动对绿洲和荒漠之间的转化有着强烈的干扰作用,并且这种干扰主要是通过改变水资源分配格局实现的。

    While economic activities has strongly interference effect on the transformation between oasis and desert , and this interference effect plays by changing the water resources distribution patter . 3 .

  29. 由于人口的增加,流域地表水资源分配不均,水资源开发过度,地下水位急剧下降,造成流域生态系统退化。

    The increase of population accompanied with the uneven distribution of water resources has resulted in the overuse of water and the abrupt descending of groundwater table , which caused the degeneration of ecosystem .

  30. 蒸散发是水资源分配利用的重要依据,对于不同气候环境、不同区域的蒸散发值获取,目前该领域研究的重点之一。

    Evapotranspiration is an important basis on distribution utilization of water resources . How to take the evapotranspiration values of different climatic environments and regions is seen as the key point in this field at present .