
shuǐ shēnɡ huán jìnɡ
  • aquatic environment
  1. 湿地是介于陆地和水生环境之间的过渡区域,因其巨大的生产能力和环境功能,湿地与森林、海洋并称为全球三大生态系统。

    Wetland is the transition region between terraneous environment and aquatic environment .

  2. 试验侧重于污染水生环境的重金属复合物。

    This investigation was concerned with metal compounds which after contaminated the aquatic environment .

  3. 从各种水生环境中分离到的酵母菌,在YPD平板上生成菌落的大着重长环境的渗透压或盐浓度的增加而变小,其菌体CD600值随着生长环境中有机碳的增加而增加。

    Colony forming units of the yeasts from various environments decrease with the increase of osmotic pressure or salt concentration in living environments while the OD values of yeasts increase with the increase of total organic carbon in aquatic environments .

  4. 水生环境中酵母菌的筛选及其耐盐性、可发酵性研究

    Research on halotolerant and fermentative yeasts in aquatic environments

  5. 磁小体可以帮助细胞在水生环境中快速定向并寻找其适宜的生态环境。

    Magnetosome can help fast orientation in the aquatic environment and looking for the suitable ecological environment .

  6. 松花江三湖保护区水生环境现状评价及保护对策

    Present situation evaluation and protective countermeasure of water ecologic environment in three lakes protection area of Songhuajiang river

  7. 由于蜻蜓在水中渡过幼虫阶段,故此水生环境对它们的繁殖周期非常关键。

    Dragonflies spend their larval stages in water , and therefore aquatic environment is vital for their breeding cycles .

  8. 棉花漂浮育苗技术是旱土木本植物水生环境育苗的一项重大创新技术。

    The floating nursing cotton seedling is a major aquatic breeding nursing seedling technological innovation of the dry soil woody plants .

  9. 水产养殖系统中固体废弃物的处理,主要是为了减少固体废弃物对水生环境潜在的负面影响。

    The main reason for treating solids discharged from aquaculture systems is to reduce potential negative impacts on the surrounding aquatic environment .

  10. 地球上,某些水生环境的特性,可能催生了数十亿年前生命的出现。

    On Earth , these and other conditions in aquatic environments may have supported the emergence of life billions of years ago .

  11. 如果把树木全部移走,那么就没有什么能够防止碎石进入我们的河流,破坏水生环境。

    If the trees were all removed , there would be nothing holding back this dirt from our rivers , destroying the aquatic environment .

  12. 在陆地上有土地来保护肚皮,但是在水生环境里,海龟容易腹背受敌。

    On land , the belly is protected by the ground , but in an aquatic environment , turtles can be attacked from above or below .

  13. 这些机制作为部分海洋动物潜水的反应,是对在水生环境中生活的适应,并有助于睡眠。

    These mechanisms , part of the marine mammal diving response , are adaptations to living in an aquatic environment and help during the process of sleeping .

  14. 光合细菌广泛分布于自然界的土壤、水田、沼泽、湖泊、江海等处,主要分布于水生环境中光线能透射到的缺氧区。

    Photosynthetic bacteria are widely distributed in the soil , paddy fields , marshes , lakes and rivers etc. , mainly in the anoxic zone of the aquatic environment where light can be transmitted .

  15. 和世界上许多国家一样,我国正面临着日益加剧的水质污染和水生环境恶化问题,其中很多一部分来源于城市住区的生活污水。

    As many other countries in the world , China is confronted with increasingly water pollution and the worse of aquatic environment . Most of these problems are result from the waster water from urban residence .

  16. 砷是一种重要的地壳组成元素,主要以无机化合物的形式存在于岩石中,可通过岩石风化和水的溶蚀,逐渐进入水生环境和土壤环境,也有少量砷散布在空气中。

    Arsenic is a very important element of the earth crust , which exist in the rock in the form of inorganic compound , gradually come into aquatic environment and soil environment by wind erosion and water corrosion , and little disperse in the air .

  17. 水利工程对河道水生生态环境的影响一直是社会各界广泛关注的问题。

    The effect of water conservancy projects on water ecologic environment in river is now a broad attentive problem .

  18. 通过研究抚河源头水体中浮游动植物的种类及湿地植被分布状况,科学评价抚河源头水生生态环境。

    Through investigate the species of zooplankton and phytoplankton and distribution of hygrophilous vegetation in Fu River 's headstream , we evaluate the ecological environment in Fu River 's headstream .

  19. 为此,对浙江省农村水污染治理对策进行了探索,旨在通过加强农村生态环境建设、发展污水重复利用等措施改善农村水生生态环境,为经济的可持续发展提供保障。

    Hence , to explore the rural areas of water pollution Zhejiang Province 's harnessing measures ; we can improve the water environment by strengthening environmental construction of rural areas , using sewage repeatedly , and provide the economical sustainable development with safeguard .

  20. 水生植物净化水环境与水生植被的修复

    Purification of Water Environment with Planting Hydrophyte and Remediation of Aquatic Vegetation

  21. 粮农组织帮助各国保存鱼类种群和水生资源,保护环境并确保子孙后代不会挨饿。

    FAO helps countries conserve fish stocks and aquatic resources , protect the environment and ensure that future generations will not go hungry .

  22. 该文从水情、水生生物、水环境质量等方面分析水利设施对淮河水域生态环境的影响。

    The effects of water conservancy projects on water regime , aquatic organisms and water environment in Huaihe drainage area are discussed and analyzed .

  23. 水生昆虫作为水环境的指示生物,不仅种群动态的变化对于水质监测具有重要的意义,形态上的变化也有助于分析水质。

    Population changes of aquatic insects regarded as bioindicators are not only important to assess water quality , but also their morphological changes are helpful to analyze water quality .

  24. 长期以来,伊维菌素被认为是安全的抗寄生虫药物,但是近年的研究结果表明,它的残留能降低牧草产量,影响水生群落,对环境平衡有重大威胁。

    Though it has been long known as a safe antiparasitic drug , the significant considerations concerning the effects of IVM on ecological system were investigated . The results showed that the IVM residues decreased pasture productivity , affected aquatic mesocosms , and environmental evaluation studies represented a significant risk .

  25. 对水生生物有毒,可能在水生环境中造成长期不利影响;

    Toxic to aquatic organisms , may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment .

  26. 水生生物的辐射剂量率Ⅰ.水生环境中放射性核素的浓度

    RADIATION DOSE RATES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS ⅰ . Concentrations of Radionuclides in Aquatic Environments

  27. 某些藻类产生毒素危害水生生物,影响人类健康,破坏了水生生态环境。

    Some algae will make many kinds of toxin which harm creatures in water , and then affect the health of human , in final , destroy the entironment of water .