
shuǐ ní dì
  • a cement floor;cement pavement
  1. 鲜血溅落在黑色的水泥地上。

    Blood spattered the dark concrete

  2. 杯子掉在水泥地上打碎了。

    The cup fell on the cement floor and broke up .

  3. 在旧金山,组织者们在阿拉莫广场(AlamoSquare)的水泥地上开展了一个类似棋盘游戏滑梯和梯子(ChutesandLadders)的活动,参与者必须完成不同的运动才能穿过棋盘。

    In San Francisco , organizers drew a version of the board game Chutes and Ladders on the cement of Alamo Square , requiring different exercises to traverse the board .

  4. 所以这一块水泥地是黄金区域。

    Which makes this stretch of concrete some prime real estate .

  5. 地面要干净,最好是水泥地。

    The floor should be clean and , preferably , concrete .

  6. (使)破碎,分解眼镜掉在水泥地上破掉了。

    The specs fell on the cement floor and broke up .

  7. 汤姆摔倒,头撞到水泥地。

    Tom tumbled over and hit his head on the concrete .

  8. 一根小小的绿色蔓藤能够从坚硬的水泥地破芽而出。

    A single green vine shoot is able to grow through cement .

  9. 哈利惊讶不已,重重地摔在水泥地上。

    Caught by surprise , Harry fell hard on the concrete floor .

  10. 那是因为在我赶到之前,你在一个水泥地上跌倒了。

    Because you fell down on concrete before I even got there .

  11. 踩踏尚未全干的水泥地是非常不对的。

    Stepping on wet cement is a big no-no.

  12. 有时候你也能看见他们直接躺在交通岛的水泥地上。

    Sometimes , you see them lying on the concrete of a traffic island .

  13. 我想蜷缩在炉火旁,而不是这冰冷的水泥地上。

    I 'd like to curl up next to a fire instead of this cold concrete .

  14. 它们的皮肤和关节不用再呆在水泥地上而疼痛;

    The skin and joint problems are largely solved because sows are not on concrete flooring .

  15. 6.6%的学校操场地面质地为水泥地;

    6.6 % was cement ground ;

  16. 就算当我们走在水泥地上,地球仍然在我们脚下支持着我们。

    Even when walking on concrete , the earth is still beneath us , supporting us .

  17. 她的裙摆重新在橡皮筋间翻飞,水泥地在歌谣里开出花儿来。

    When she comes back to the rubber band jumping game , even the cement ground grows flowers .

  18. 里面很简陋,又是水泥地,连围栏都生锈了。

    It is simple and concreted grounds , as well as the enclosure with a lot of rust .

  19. 那些刻在椅子后面的爱情,会不会像水泥地上的花朵开出地老天荒的没有风的森林。

    Those on the chair will love , behind the flowers , like cement leave no wind , lonely forest .

  20. 在那个篮球场上,仍然可以看到广场舞爱好者在水泥地上用喷漆涂的“一起迈步、向左”的舞步指南。

    The basketball court still bears instructions spray-painted on the concrete by the dancers -- 'step together , turn left . '

  21. 我带它到酒吧旁一处凹进去的地方。它躺在冰凉的水泥地上,闭上了眼。

    I led him to an alcove next to the bar , where he lay on the cold cement and closed his eyes .

  22. 主要是两件事麻烦点:一是打个水泥地,得买几袋子洋灰;

    Only two things are a problem : One , when we mix the cement we 'll need a few bags of lime ;

  23. 我总觉得自己跑得太慢,仿佛自己正在泥泞的沙地上奔跑一样我似乎没法从水泥地上得到足够的支撑力。

    I felt so slow , like I was running through wet sand I couldn 't seem to get enough purchase from the concrete .

  24. 他的刮胡刀躺在水泵边的水泥地上让阳光照得发亮。她看着他在脸上涂上肥皂然后刮胡子。

    His razor caught the sunlight , where it lay on cement beside the pump , and she watched him soap his face and shave .

  25. 我总觉得自己跑得太慢,仿佛自己正在泥泞的沙地上奔跑一样&我似乎没法从水泥地上得到足够的支撑力。

    I felt so slow , like I was running through wet sand & I couldn 't seem to get enough purchase from the concrete .

  26. 当我把一个抢劫我的黑人赶到一个巷子里时,一个白人警察把我打倒在水泥地上。

    I had a white cop throw me down onto the concrete when I was chasing a black man down an alley who had robbed me .

  27. 等秦老师端着饭盒走开以后,他突然狂怒地把两个饭碗砸在水泥地上。

    After Mrs Qin had left , carrying a lunchbox , he had suddenly dashed two ceramic bowls to the cement floor in a fit of passion .

  28. 但我知道华南虎在栏栅的背后已经走了很多年,坚强的水泥地早已经磨破了它的利爪。

    But I know , in the fence behind , the South China Tiger had walked for many years * strong concrete floor had already frayed his sharp claws .

  29. 第四,睡眠环境要讲究不能随便找个地方,更不能在草地、水泥地上顺势躺下就睡,或在风口处睡。

    Fourth , sleep environment should not take place , but not in the grass , the cement floor and homeopathic lay down to sleep , or sleep in the air .

  30. 我很喜欢搭乘云霄飞车,和各样的快速游乐车,但是站在顶楼的水泥地上往下看,人只有那么一丁点儿,实在是太恐怖了。

    Now I love rollercoaster 's and I love thrill rides , but standing on a concrete block outdoors and seeing how tiny people look when being that high is stinking scary !