
  • 网络water treatment technology;Technology of Water Treatment
  1. 液相微波等离子体水处理技术能够有效地对亚甲基蓝水溶液进行降解,微波输入功率为100W时,处理时间为6min,亚甲基蓝的去除率达到92.5%。

    The technology of water treatment by liquid microwave plasma is effective to the degradation of methylene blue in aqueous solution . Applying 100 W of microwave input power , after processing time for 6 min , the removal rate of methylene blue is 92.5 % .

  2. 当代世界一种先进的水处理技术&满室床工艺及应用论述

    An advanced technology of water treatment in the world & amberpack process and its application

  3. 工业循环冷却水处理技术进展(II)

    Advances in technology of industrial recirculating cooling water treatment ( II )

  4. 膜技术是21世纪最有前途的水处理技术之一,UF膜和MF膜技术是其中很重要的一个组成部分。

    Technology of membrane is one of the primary important technologies of water treatment .

  5. 作为一种新型高效的水处理技术,MBR已成为目前研究和应用的热点之一。

    MBR , as a new highly effective water treatment technology , has attracted the increasing attentions of the researchers .

  6. 曝气生物滤池(BAF)是一种集SS去除、有机物去除、硝化功能于一体的水处理技术。

    Biological aerated fileters ( BAF ) can combine ammonla , carbonaceous matter , and solids removal in a single-unit process .

  7. 膜生物反应器(Membranebioreactor,MBR)是一种高效的水处理技术,具有污染物去除效率高,出水水质稳定,操作管理方便,占地面积少等优点。

    MBR ( membrane bioreactor ) is an efficient water treatment technology , with the advantages of highly remove efficiency , stable water quality , easily management and low area .

  8. 高级化学氧化(AdvancedOxidationProcesses,简称AOPs)是一项新兴的现代水处理技术,其在处理水中难生物降解毒性有机污染物等方面具有广阔的应用前景。

    Advanced chemical oxidation processes ( AOPs ) have been applied to water purification in recent years , which are promising for the degradation of toxic and bioresistant organic pollutants in aqueous solution .

  9. 通过对TiO2光催化降解水中有机物的研究现状进行综述,认为该技术是一种很有发展前途的水处理技术,对太阳能的利用和环境保护有重要的意义。

    Photocatalytic degradation of organic compounds over TiO 2 particles is a relatively new method for water treatment , which has significance in protection of environments and utilization of solar energy .

  10. 催化湿式氧化(CWAO)法是一种利用溶解氧去除废水中高毒性、难降解污染物的新型水处理技术。

    Catalytic wet air oxidation ( CWAO ) process is a new technology of using dissolved oxygen to remove contaminants with high toxicity and low degradability from wastewater .

  11. 该文概述了太阳能-二氧化钛(TiO2)光催化水处理技术在生活饮用水净化、消毒和废水处理方面的研究与应用动态。

    The recent developments in purification and disinfect of drinking water as well as wastewater treatment adopting solar energy-titanium dioxide ( TiO2 ) catalytic technology are introduced in general in the present review .

  12. 用活性炭纤维(ACF)代替传统生物活性炭法(BAC)中的颗粒活性炭(GAC),探索生物活性炭纤维(BACF)的水处理技术。

    A water treatment technique using biological activated carbon fiber ( BACF ) instead of granular activated carbon ( GAC ) was studied .

  13. 纳米TiO2光催化氧化技术是一项正在兴起的新型水处理技术,近年来在有机污染物处理中得到广泛的关注。

    In recent years , the technique of TiO_2 photocatalysis oxidation as a new kind of water treatment process with great potential application especially in the organic substances degradation for its outstanding effect .

  14. 生物絮凝吸附-曝气生物滤池(BAF)组合工艺是一种新型的水处理技术,主要包含有机物去除、SS去除、硝化反硝化过程。

    Biological flocculation adsorption-biological aerated filters ( BAF ) technology is a new type of water treatment technology . It reflect the removing process of organic , SS , nitrification , denitrifying .

  15. 随着碱性水处理技术的发展和循环水浓缩倍数的不断提高,循环水水质向高硬度、高碱度、高pH值,甚至高温的方向发展,进一步增加了水质控制的难度。

    With the development of water alkaline treatment technology and the increase of concentration times , the quality of circulating water tend to become high hardness , high alkalinity , high pH value and even high temperature , which deepened the difficulty in controlling these problems .

  16. 河流、湖泊等市政供水水源,因富营养化,生物暴发,而采用低压膜(NF,MF和UF)的水处理技术。

    And water pretreatment applying low-pressure membrane technologies ( NF , MF , and UF ) for municipal water supply at Michigan Lake in America and Oise River in France , where the water resource were polluted by biology breakout caused by overfull nutrition .

  17. 通过近1a的运行实践表明高效垂直流人工湿地系统作为一种生态水处理技术,对微污染地表水净化具有良好的实用价值和应用前景。

    Some practical operation of one year indicated that high efficient vertical flow constructed wetland could purify the surface water which is little polluted as a kind of ecological water treatment technology , which will show better practical value and promising future in these fields .

  18. ABFB具有运行稳定、抗冲击负荷强的特点,是一种先进的水处理技术。

    ABFB has characteristics of steady running and powerful resistance to impact load , so it is a kind of advanced technology in wastewater treatment .

  19. 简要介绍了高硬度、高碱度的水处理技术和水处理剂ZH331HS的性能以及在循环水中的应用。

    The technique of treatment of water of high hardness and high alkality and the properties of water treatment agent ZH331HS and its application are introduced .

  20. 高级氧化法中的Ti02光催化氧化技术是近些年来快速发展起来的新兴水处理技术,因其具有化学稳定性好、无毒、选择性小、低廉等优势而成为研究热点。

    The photocatalysis oxidation of TiO2 , a kind of advanced oxidation process , is a new technique of wastewater treatment developing rapidly in recent years due to its chemical stability , non-toxic , low selectivity and cost-effectiveness .

  21. 工业水处理技术的发展概况与技术进步

    The Developing Survey and Technology Progress of Industrial Water Treatment Technology

  22. 高压脉冲放电水处理技术的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on High Voltage Pulse Discharge Technology in Wastewater Treatment

  23. 膜法水处理技术与传统方法的比较

    The Comparison of Membrane Technology and Conventional Methods for Water Treatment

  24. 转炉除尘水处理技术在炼钢厂的应用

    Application of Treatment Technology of Converter Dedusting Water in Steel Plant

  25. 特低渗油藏水处理技术研究

    Study on oily wastewater treatment technology on very low permeability reservoir

  26. 脉冲磁场水处理技术在杀菌、灭藻方面的研究

    Sterilization and algae killing by the application of pulsed magnetic field

  27. 水力空化技术是一种新的水处理技术。

    Hydrodynamic cavitation is a new technique in wastewater treatment schemes .

  28. 我国微生物法水处理技术的研究进展

    Studies on microbial flocculation for the water treatment in our country

  29. 海滨电厂循环冷却水处理技术的研究

    Study on Circulating Cooling Water Treatment Technology of Seaside Power Plant

  30. 循环冷却水处理技术面临新的形势和挑战

    The Technology of Cooling Water Treatment Facing New Situation and Challenge