
shuǐ lì jì suàn
  • hydraulic calculation;hydraulic computation
  1. GIS环境下枝状供水管网水力计算的递归算法

    Recursive Algorithm for Hydraulic Computation of Tree-structured Distribution Pipe Network under GIS Environment

  2. 基于AUTOCAD的燃气管网水力计算和自动绘图系统的研究

    Research on Hydraulic Computation and Automatic Cartography System of Gas Pipe Network Based on AutoCAD

  3. 基于GIS的供水管网水力计算模型

    Water Distribution Hydraulic Simulation Model Based on GIS

  4. 桥梁CAD系统中的水文、水力计算及其优化理论

    Research on the calculation and optimum theory of hydrology and waterpower in bridge CAD system

  5. 基于MATLAB的微灌系统水力计算程序设计及工程应用

    Program Design of the Micro-irrigation Waterpower Analytical Based on MATLAB and the Practical Engineering

  6. 利用EXCEL进行污水管道水力计算

    Applying EXCEL to the hydraulic calculation of the sewage pipe

  7. 给出了冰蓄冷系统乙二醇管道水力计算方法和适用于CAD的拟合方程。

    Provides a hydraulic calculation method of EG Pipes in ice storage systems , and some fitting equations for CAD .

  8. U形及弧形底梯形渠道断面水力计算的搜索法与程序

    Searching Algorithm And Program for Hydraulic Calculation of Cross Section of U-shaped And Trapezoidal Channel with Arc Bottom

  9. 本文讨论水力计算与GIS的集成方法,并提出了模型网络生成算法和流量归结算法。

    This paper discusses the integration of hydraulic calculation and GIS , and then brings up the model network creation algorithm and the flux induction algorithm .

  10. 给出了针对该模型的算法流程,并使用计算引擎Toolkit进行管网正向水力计算。

    The processes of the algorithm were given , and Toolkit was used for the hydraulic calculation of the network .

  11. 通过推导出污水管道水力计算公式,介绍并利用EXCEL内部函数编写计算公式的程序和具体的计算方法。

    Through infers the calculative formula for hydraulic calculation of the sewage pipe and introduces idiographic calculation method by the use of the internal function of EXCEL .

  12. 导出了U形渠道正常水深、临界水深水力计算的迭代公式,并给出了判别水深范围的界限流量计算公式。

    The iteration equation of U-shaped channel normal depth and critical water depth in hydraulic calculation is deduced . The equation of boundary discharge to criterion water depth range is given .

  13. 并对GUI(GraphicalUserInterface,图形用户界面)的界面程序进行了二次开发,实现了给水管网水力计算图的绘制。

    Even more , an interfacial programming for water distribution system with Graphical User Interface ( GUI ) was built . Users can draw hydraulic calculating map of water distribution system in the programming interface .

  14. 文章针对渠道水力计算繁琐的试算过程,应用Excel软件可简化计算,便于工程的实际应用。

    The process of repeated calculation is often used in hydraulic calculation of ditch , In this paper , a simplified solution using Excel is introduced , which is convenient in practice .

  15. 介绍了Newton计算法对非线性方程的解法,以实例说明,该方法是泵管路系统水力计算的一种实用可靠、快捷的方法。

    Introduces how Newton calculation method solves nonlinear equation and states with real example that the method is a kind of reliable and quick one to do hydraulic calculation of pump 's pipeline system .

  16. 针对西安野生动植物园防洪规划工程,在洪水分析的基础上,进行水力计算、效益分析等确定最优排洪方案,为此建立西安野生动植物园防洪规划GIS系统。

    To the flood control plan in Xi'an Wildlife Park , hydraulic calculation and benefit analysis have been done on the basis of flood analysis to confirm the optimum scheme . A GIS system is set up for flood control plan in Xi'an Wildlife Park .

  17. 用准确度较高的BWR方程校核了其他状态方程,提出了将BWR状态方程运用于燃气管网水力计算的方法。

    The precisions of other state equations are checked with BWR equation which precision is very high . The method applying the BWR equation to gas network hydraulic calculation is proposed .

  18. 为了克服上述缺点,本文在水力计算方面采用了适合于倾斜管线计算且计算精度较高的Beggs-Brill方法;

    In order to overcome this shortcomings , in this paper , the Beggs-Brill methods that has the advance of higher calculation precision and suits for the calculation of the inclination pipe are adopted .

  19. 移动边界问题是水力计算中难点之一,本文用拉格朗日坐标系来描述浅水方程,并用二阶Godunov算法求解有移动边界的浅水问题的数值解。

    Moving boundary problem is one of the difficulties in hydraulic computations . In this paper the shallow water equations in the Lagrangian coordinates were derived and the numerical solutions were found out for shallow water problem with moving boundary by using a 2 order Godunov scheme .

  20. 为此,筛选出精度较高的BWR状态方程用于高压天然气管网水力计算中的物性计算,以解决原有城市高压天然气管网水力计算公式不能满足高压低温时精度要求的问题;

    So the BWR state equation with higher accuracy is selected for the physical property calculation in the hydraulic calculation of gas pipelines to solve the problem of accuracy requirement that can 't be met by the existing hydraulic calculation formula of gas pipelines with high pressure and low temperature .

  21. 低温热水地板辐射采暖快速水力计算表

    Low Temperature Hot Water Floor Radiation Heating Quick Hydraulic Calculating Table

  22. 建筑消防自动喷水灭火系统水力计算及其程序开发

    Hydraulic Computation and Program Exploitation of Building Fire Automatic Sprinkling System

  23. 液化石油气管水力计算公式的分析与选择

    Analysis and Selectivity on the Hydraulic Formula for LPG in Pipeline

  24. 城市燃气管网水力计算软件的开发

    Development on the Hydraulic Calculation Software of Urban Gas Pipeline Network

  25. 离心泵流体输送系统水力计算方法

    Hydraulic Calculation Method for the Fluid Delivery System of Centrifugal Pump

  26. 两股射流在空中碰撞消能的水力计算

    Computation of energy dissipation for impact of two jets in air

  27. 航道工程水力计算的数学模型

    Mathematics Simulation and Programming for Hydraulic Calculations of Waterway Regulation Engineering

  28. 燃气管网水力计算图计算机输入的探讨

    Discussion on Computer Input for Hydraulic Calculation Drawing of Gas Network

  29. 滴灌树状管网水力计算的有限元法

    Finite Element Method for Tree-shape Network Hydraulic Calculation of Drip Irrigation

  30. 低粘度比偏心液环的近似水力计算

    Hydraulic Calculation for Eccentric Liquid Jacket Flow of Low Viscosity Ratio