
yǎnɡ qì pínɡ
  • oxygen cylinder;oxygen bottle
  1. 病房里有一个氧气瓶,以防万一。

    There is an oxygen cylinder in the sickroom in case .

  2. 研究了煤矿安全用复合式氧气瓶缠绕胶接体系中阻燃剂的筛选及阻燃机理。

    Flame retardant selection and inflaming retarding principle are researched on winding cementing system of compound oxygen cylinder used for coal mine safe .

  3. 观察组用0.1%消毒灵浸泡30min,再用95%的酒精干燥处理后安装在氧气瓶上备用。

    The treated group dried with 95 % alcohol for use .

  4. 氧气瓶还剩下多少空气?

    NO04 , How much air is left in the scuba tank ?

  5. 一起氧气瓶爆炸事故的技术分析

    Technological analysis of an explosion accident of oxygen tank

  6. 常见的有:氧气瓶、油漆、香蕉水、酒精等。

    Commonly Used : oxygen bottles , paint , lacquer thinner , alcohol , etc.

  7. 氧气瓶可在一万英尺的高空供氧

    Oxygen keeps you alive above 10000 feet .

  8. 所使用的氧气瓶、乙炔瓶有爆炸危险。

    The air tank and acetic tank that been used has the potential of explosion .

  9. 飞行员:1分钟空投,到后舱门去,打开氧气瓶。

    Pilot : One minute to dropoff . Move to the rear . Activate bailout bottle .

  10. 这其中可能包括对于在最高海拔处攀登必不可少的氧气瓶。

    That can include oxygen bottles , which are essential for climbing at the highest altitudes .

  11. 工程师只好打开氧气瓶内的加热器,煮干剩余的氧。

    Engineers had to boil off the remaining oxygen by turning on a heater in the tank .

  12. 随身带着一大堆干粮、氧气瓶、笨重的衣服,那多累人啊!

    It is very tired to carry a lot of food , oxygen bottle and thick clothes .

  13. 其余氧气瓶将被送往尼泊尔西南部遭受危机的省份和西部偏远地区。

    Others are to be sent to crisis-hit provinces in southwestern and far western parts of Nepal . ,

  14. 结论凡有条件的医院应建立中心供气系统,以代替容易发生故障的压缩机和经常需要更换的氧气瓶。

    Conclusion Hospital should establish the air center system to supply instead of malfunction-prone compressor and regular-replaced air tank .

  15. 两个医生跑过来把她缝合起来,亲属发现出血被控制住了,护士奋力连接一个发电机到氧气瓶上。

    Two doctors ran in and stitched her up , relatives found blood supplies , and nurses struggled to connect a.

  16. 一名政府发言人表示,大部分捐赠的氧气瓶将被分配给加德满都谷地的大型国营医院。

    A government spokesperson says most of the donated cylinders will be distributed to large government-run hospitals in Kathmandu Valley .

  17. 聚会上的一个特殊的设备是氧气瓶,在仪式上和宴会上凯特都需要用到它。

    An unusual accessory at the party was the oxygen tube that Katie used throughout the ceremony and reception as well .

  18. 希思罗机场海关人员拦截一批怀疑为医用氧气瓶时将三名男子拘捕。

    The men were caught when customs officers at Heathrow airport intercepted a consignment of oxygen cylinders , supposedly for medical use .

  19. 针对一起氧气瓶爆炸事故,进行了详细的实际调查,并以科学理论和数据为依据,进行了多角度的技术分析。

    Exporters carefully investigate the oxygen tank explosion accident , and then undertake multiple technological analysis from different points based on scientific theories and data .

  20. 调查者聚焦的问题点是:一个氧气瓶可能在航行中爆炸了,在飞机的里面撕裂一个洞。

    Investigators are focusing on the idea that an oxygen cylinder might have exploded mid-flight , ripping a hole in the side of the plane .

  21. 消防署发言人尺田周五时说,有两人被杀,一名79岁的男子死于地震,一名60几岁的妇人因停电氧气瓶失效被杀。

    Fire department spokesman Junichi Sawada said Friday two people were killed.A79-year-old man died of shock . A woman in her60s was killed when her oxygen tank failed because of power outages .

  22. 后舱盖松裂,海水正涌进艇尾部。飞行员:1分钟空投,到后舱门去,打开氧气瓶。

    A rear hatch cover had broken loose and water was flooding into the aft section . Pilot : One minute to dropoff . Move to the rear . Activate bailout bottle .

  23. 他们深呼吸,放下警棍和警帽,戴上防护帽和氧气瓶,走进世贸中心建筑群去营救困在里面的人们。

    They take a deep breath , leave nightsticks and hats behind and grab some helmets and oxygen tanks to go into the World Trade Center complex to rescue people trapped inside .

  24. 应用事故树分析方法对氧气瓶爆炸事故进行分析,找出了引发事故的基本原因和途径,分析了基本原因事件的结构重要度。

    By analyzing the cases of oxygen cylinder accidences , we find out the main causes and possible ways and give the concept of " structure important degree " to describe the accidence .

  25. 虽然她依然可以做大部分14岁孩子做的事她最近有去溜冰她需要氧气瓶的持续辅助来维持呼吸。

    Although Heather can still take part in most of the normal activities of a14-year-old – she recently went skating – she needs the constant aid of an oxygen tank to help her breathe .

  26. 目的探讨重症监护病房(ICU)氧气湿化瓶污染细菌与住院患者呼吸道感染的关系,为防治其引起的医院感染提供依据。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the relationship between bacteria isolated from oxygen humidification bottles in ICU and respiratory tract infection .

  27. 方法采集4个ICU氧气湿化瓶标本和ICU患者下呼吸道痰,对其细菌进行分离、鉴定,重点分析铜绿假单胞菌的耐药率。

    METHODS Bacteria isolated from oxygen humidification bottles in 4 ICU were compared with that from sputum of inpatients ′ lower respiratory tract , and the drug-resistance for Pseudomonas aeruginosa to antibiotics was analyzed .

  28. 结果本次医院感染暴发由PA血清Ⅳ型引起,其主要流行因素是所使用的氧气湿化瓶、雾化器数量不足,消毒不严。采取相应措施后感染得以控制。

    Results The nosocomial infection was caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa serotype ⅵ, and the main epidemic factors were due to the insufficient oxygen humidifier and aerosolizer and non-strict sterilization , infection was controlled after preventive measures were adopted .

  29. 方法对1999年10月~2000年3月入住RICU患者的痰及相关部位的标本(氧气湿化瓶、呼吸机管道、留置导尿的尿标本等)采样送检。

    METHODS From Oct 1999 to Mar 2000 , sputum specimens from the patients in RICU and other relevant specimens ( from oxygen enriched bottle , output duct of ventilatory apparatus , and urethral catheter , etc. )

  30. 目的加强医院氧气湿化瓶消毒管理。

    OBJECTIVE To strengthen the sterilization management of hospital oxygen filter .