
  • 网络radon and its daughters
  1. 氡及其子体的测量,已经成为一个热点话题。

    The measurement methods of radon and its daughters has become a popular topic .

  2. 氡及其子体累积探测器累积投票制度探析

    Cumulative dosimetry of radon and its daughters To Explore The System of Cumulative Voting

  3. 随着密封时间的增加,氡及其子体与其母体核素之间相对平衡率增加,20d后达到放射性平衡。

    The balance rate compared radon and its daughter nuclide with their mother nuclide is increased along with the remain-time extending , and reaches balance fully up to about 20 days .

  4. 氡及其子体运移规律的实验研究

    The Experimental Studies of Rn and its Daughters ′ Migration Law

  5. 氡及其子体的测量是涉及到核辐射探测技术、电子技术、计算机技术等多门学科的复杂问题。

    It is very complexity to measure radon and its daughter .

  6. 山东省黄金矿山氡及其子体浓度调查

    Investigation on radon and its daughters concentration in Shangdong gold mines

  7. HE系列空气负离子发生器对氡及其子体的净化作用

    The cleaning function of he anionic generator to radon and radon progeny

  8. 氡及其子体向上运移的内因与团簇现象

    Internal causes of radon and its daughters upward migration and cluster phenomenon

  9. 石家庄市室内氡及其子体浓度

    Indoor concentrations of radon and its daughters in Shijiazhuang City

  10. 氡及其子体所致公众照射剂量的评价模式

    A Model for Evaluating Radiation Dose Received b Public Exposed to Radon

  11. 室内氡及其子体研究的过去、现在和未来

    Radon in houses : past , present and future

  12. 砂岩型铀矿床上氡及其子体异常分析

    Analyses on anomaly of radon and its daughters above sandstone type uranium deposit

  13. 有色金属矿山环境中氡及其子体水平与剂量评价

    Levels of Radon Progeny and Dose Assessment in the Environment of Non-Ferrous Mines

  14. 氡及其子体对大鼠肺及其支气管的损伤作用

    The Damage Effects on the Lung in Rats Inhaled Radon and Radon Progeny

  15. 铀尾矿库环境氡及其子体的测量与评价

    Measurement and assessment of radon and its daughters in environment from uranium tailings pool

  16. 太原地区环境大气中氡及其子体浓度的日变化和年变化

    Daily and annual variation of concentrations of environmental radon and its daughters in Taiyuan

  17. 氡及其子体吸入染毒小鼠肺及支气管组织病理损伤及其差异表达基因的研究

    Studies of Pathology and Differentially Expressed Genes in Lung and Bronchus of Radon-exposed Mice

  18. 氡及其子体对大鼠靶器官损伤的研究

    The correlation of adverse effects of radon and its progeny on target tissues in rats

  19. 铀矿开采中氡及其子体的渗流与控制

    Permeation and control of radon and its radiation products in underground mining of uranium deposits

  20. 用于氡及其子体个人α累积暴露量测定的固体径迹探测器

    A-P article solid track detector for measuring personal integrated exposure of radon and its daughters

  21. 氡及其子体对小鼠血液和骨髓细胞的影响

    Effect of Inhaled Radon and its Progeny on Blood and Bone Marrow Cells in Mice

  22. 氡及其子体累积探测器

    Cumulative dosimetry of radon and its daughters

  23. [目的]研究大鼠吸入氡及其子体后肺及支气管组织的生物学变化。

    To study biological changes of the lung in rats exposed to radon and its progeny .

  24. 氡及其子体是人体受辐射危害的重要因素,而平衡因子是评价氡及其子体状态的重要参数之一。

    The radon and its daughters are the main factor of radiating and harming human body .

  25. 氡及其子体;

    Radon and its daughters ;

  26. 目的通过大鼠吸入氡及其子体后免疫器官的变化,初步探讨氡及其子体对免疫系统的影响。

    Objective To study adverse effects of inhaled radon and its progeny on immune system of rats .

  27. 氡及其子体的运移规律研究是基础理论课题之一。

    Studying the self migration law of Rn and its daughters is one of basic theoretical subjects .

  28. 某铀矿10年监测资料分析和井下氡及其子体浓度的分布

    Analysis on Monitoring Data in 10 Years and Concentration Distribution of Radon and Its Daughters in Uranium Mine

  29. 理想条件下氡及其子体运移新理论及其运移方程

    A new theory of migration of radon and its daughters in the ideal condition and their migration equation

  30. 目的建立氡及其子体诱发细胞转化的模型,模拟氡致肺癌的过程。

    Objective To establish a model for the study of transformation of human cell by radon and its progeny .
