
  1. 第二,咸同贵州号军起义的领导阶层与主干力量皆以民间教门的成员为基础;

    Second , the member of the Folk Sects is the mass basis of Guizhou " Hao Army " Uprising ;

  2. 这从三个方面可以得到证明:第一,咸同贵州号军的名称乃沿袭历史上民间教门起事的传统而来;

    Accurately , it is a Folk Sects uprising , there are three reasons : First , the name of " Hao Army " is followed the tradition of the Folk Sects uprising ;

  3. 第三,咸同贵州号军起义以民间教门的无生老母信仰和三期末劫观念作为思想武器,最终的目的是建立一个政教合一的神权王国。

    Third , the belief of the virgin old mother and free from disaster in the Folk Sects is the ideological arms of Guizhou " Hao Army " Uprising , and its supreme objective is to found a kingdom in which politics and religion are combined together .

  4. 清代江西民间秘密教门得以发展的原因包括地理交通和经济因素、政治制度和官僚体制的缺陷、人口流动及身份控制的弱化、经卷的通俗性与教义的麻痹性等方面。

    The reasons of its generating and developing are as follows : factors about geography and economy , defects of the political system and bureaucratic structure , floating of population , reduction of the status-control , popularization of religious scriptures , paralysis of the religious doctrine , etc.