
  • 网络National literature;literature;ethnic literature;National Minority Literature
  1. 全球化语境中民族文学的时代价值选择

    The Time Value Choice of National Literature in Globalization Context

  2. 发展民族文学,树立全球意识

    To Develop both our National Literature and a Keen Sense of Globalization

  3. 从传统跨向现代&四川新时期少数民族文学与外国文化

    Sichuan 's Ethnical Literature and Foreign Culture in the New Era

  4. 简论后工业时代美国少数民族文学的崛起

    American Multi-Ethnic Literature in the Post-Industrial Age : Its Advent and Thriving

  5. 比较文学视阈下的四川民族文学教学与研究

    Comparative Literature 's Perspective of Nationality Literature Teaching and Research in Sichuan

  6. 美国民族文学始于独立战争时期。

    During the Independent War the American national literature began .

  7. 春风吹遍盆周山区&论四川新时期少数民族文学的发展

    A Few Words about the Growth of Ethnic Literature in New Era

  8. 锡伯族民间故事是我国少数民族文学中一个重要的组成部分。

    Xibe ethnic folk story is an important part among minority literature .

  9. 主张民族文学与世界文学形成互渗关系。

    It advocates the mutual permeations between national literature and world literature .

  10. 翻译文学、外国文学、民族文学与比较文学之间存在着复杂的内在联系。

    The translation literature is a medium of the different nation literature .

  11. 中国文学是由汉族文学和少数民族文学共同构成的。

    The Chinese literature consists of ethnic Han literature and ethnic minorities literature .

  12. 翻译研究视野中的跨民族文学文本

    Transnational Literary Texts in the Perspective of Translation Studies

  13. 最后,是对民族文学传统的继承和扬弃。

    And thirdly , in inheriting and fostering the literary tradition of nationality .

  14. 话题与民族文学言说方式

    Theme and the Way of Speaking for National Literature

  15. 城市是各民族文学中普遍存在的因素。

    City is a universal element existent in the literature of different nations .

  16. 民族文学视野中的山东抗日文学

    The Anti-Japanese Literature in Shandong Province In the Horizon of the National Literature

  17. 走近人道精神的民族文学中的文化身份意识

    Consciousness of Cultural Identity in Ethnic Literature : An Approach to Humanitarian Spirit

  18. 启蒙主义的民族文学情结及其启示

    National Literary Complex in the Enlightenment and its revelation

  19. 美国的文艺复兴&超验主义与美国民族文学的形成和发展

    American Renaissance-Transcendentalism and the Development of American National Literature

  20. 因此,少数民族文学成为当代影视化叙事的一种必然选择。

    So , minority literature became contemporary film the inevitable choice of narration .

  21. 第一,加拿大民族文学创作角度。

    First , the perspective of Canadian national literature .

  22. 谈少数民族文学中的本土意识

    A Study of the Local Consciousness in Minority Literature

  23. 20世纪中国少数民族文学纵横论

    On Literature of Chinese Minority Nationalities in 20th Century

  24. 陈铨的民族文学理论与创作

    Chen Quan 's National Literature Theory and Creation

  25. 回顾与反思&少数民族文学理论及美学研究之我见

    Retrospect And Reflection-My Ideas On The Research of The Minorities Literary Theory And Aesthetics

  26. 金朝北方民族文学发微

    On North Nationalities ' Literature in Jin Dynasty

  27. 正确估计和认识少数民族文学在整个中国文学发展史上的作用和地位

    Evaluate Correctly the Minority Literature 's Effect and Position in Whole Chinese Literature Developing

  28. 路德的德译《圣经》工作,促进了德意志民族文学事业的发展;

    It promoted the development of national literature .

  29. 深度追求是民族文学和世界文学的共通点。

    Deep pursuit is the common point for both national literature and world literature .

  30. 论强势文化语境下的民族文学建设与发展

    The Construction and Development of National Literature in the Linguistic Environment of Mighty Culture