
máo pí
  • fur;skin;pelt;jacket;hidden;flick
毛皮 [máo pí]
  • [fur;pelt] 动物(如貂、兔、海貂)的加工处理过的生皮,作为一种材料用来制做穿着、装饰或衬里穿着服饰或其他物件

毛皮[máo pí]
  1. 人们过去经常猎取浣熊,以获得其毛皮。

    Raccoons used to be trapped for their fur .

  2. 狩猎这种动物是为了获取其毛皮。

    The animal is hunted for its fur .

  3. 女人们穿着毛皮大衣,男人们穿着舒适的外套。

    There were women in furs and men in comfortable overcoats .

  4. 她穿着一件毛皮领子的黑色外套。

    She had on a black coat with a fur collar

  5. 动物权利保护主义者把55只狐狸从毛皮动物饲养场放了出来。

    Fifty-five foxes were released from a fur farm by animal rights activists

  6. 穿毛皮衣物已经相当过时了。

    Wearing fur has become deeply unfashionable

  7. 他穿着一件有毛皮衬里的外衣。

    He was wearing a coat with a fur lining .

  8. 加拿大出产小麦和毛皮。

    Canada produces wheat and furs .

  9. 北极熊的白色毛皮是天然的保护色。

    The polar bear 's white fur is a natural camouflage .

  10. 毛皮外衣在冬天比在秋天更有用。

    A fur coat has more utility in winter than in autumn .

  11. 一件优质的布外衣要比一件毛皮外衣更有用。

    A good cloth coat is more utilitarian than a fur one .

  12. 一双毛皮衬里的皮手套

    a pair of leather gloves with fur linings

  13. 这些石器时代(StoneAge)的人,居住在洞穴中,穿着毛皮。

    These were Stone Age people , who lived in caves and wore fur and leather .

  14. 白色獭兔R新品系毛皮性状测定与分析

    Determination and Analysis on the Fur Properties of the White Rex Rabbit R New Strain

  15. 毛皮动物犬瘟热RT-PCR方法的建立与应用

    Establishment and Application of RT-PCR for Detection of Canine Distemper Virus

  16. 应用免疫酶测定方法检测分析了毛皮动物的犬瘟热病毒、狐狸脑炎病毒血清抗体效价,应用HA和HI试验检测分析大连、黑龙江等地养殖场的毛皮动物的细小病毒血清抗体效价。

    Applied immunoenzymatic assay to detect and analyze serum antibodies titer in CDV and Fox Encephalitis virus ;

  17. n.皮,毛皮;软毛毛皮大衣在冬天能使你暖和。

    fur The fur coat will keep you warm during the winter .

  18. 我们在eBay上购买老旧的西式毛皮外套,然后重新改装。

    We bought vintage Western fur coats from eBay and remade them .

  19. 据美国毛皮信息委员会(furinformationcouncilofamerica)统计,今年秋冬季时装周上的皮草款式比去年多出了20%。

    According to the fur Information Council of America , fur appears in 20 per cent more of the autumn / winter catwalk collections this year than last .

  20. TFT液晶显示模块在提花毛皮控制系统中的应用

    Application of TFT-Lcd to Jacquard for Knitting System

  21. 毛皮红2R的合成研究

    Synthesis and Study of Fur Red 2R

  22. 采用低温干灰化法制备样品,ICP-AES同时分析毛皮动物貉被毛组织中多种微量元素。

    Trace elements of fur tissue on fur-bearing animal raccoon dog were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry ( ICP-AES ) .

  23. EM是一种高效、安全、环保型的饲料添加剂,可在毛皮动物养殖业中推广应用。

    EM , which a kind of efficient , safe and environmental protection additives , can be extended and applied in farming of fur animals .

  24. 综述了微量元素硒对动物的营养功能和毛皮动物3种类型缺Se症及其防治措施。

    This text summarize nutrition functions of trace element - Selenium to animal , symptoms of fur animal suffered from three types of lack selenium and preventive measures to the disease .

  25. 中性蛋白酶是指其最适作用pH为6~7.5的一类蛋白酶,其主要作用为皮革脱毛、毛皮软化、制蛋白胨、酵母膏、肝宁及用于食品工业等。

    Neutral protease ( NPR ) is a protease that it 's PH optimum is 6.0 ~ 7.5 . It has been used in leather depilation , pelt softening , preparation of peptone , yeast extract and proheparin and food industry .

  26. 她是不会停止毛皮没有早餐,她GIT中德圣诞晚餐准备好逸早上,大家坐下来一个'吃我们所能控制。

    She ain 't stop fur no breakfast ; she git de Christmas dinner ready dat morning , and we all sit down an'eat all we can hold .

  27. 毛皮整饰剂OC-S的研究和应用

    Study and Application of Finishing Agent OC-S on Furs

  28. 另外,NPS-1还可用于皮革的复鞣和毛皮漂白褪色。

    And at the same time NPS-1 may be used for leather retanning and fur bleaching , as well .

  29. blonde:金黄色或淡黄色的dress:礼服furry:毛皮的,似毛皮的我不觉得,金色头发,黄色礼服,黑羽毛披肩里面只有一个SerenaVanDerWoodsen啊是啊,不,今晚不是。

    Dan : I don 't think so . blonde hair , yellow dress , black furry thing ? there is only one Serena Van Der Woodsen . - Serena : Yeah , no , not tonight . -

  30. 接着,六月份,线上零售品牌ASOS宣布他们将下架一切毛皮、马海毛、真丝、羊绒、骨制品、牙制品和贝壳制品。

    Furthermore , in June online retailer Asos stated that it would be barring any product made from feathers and down , mohair , silk , cashmere , bone , teeth or shell from the site .