
  • 网络Comparative linguistics;contrastive linguistics;comparative philology
比较语言学 [bǐ jiào yǔ yán xué]
  • [comparative linguistics] 是研究两种或两种以上语言之间的关系和对应情况以及揭示诸语言是否具有共同原始语的方法的学科

  1. 比较语言学中比较的语言方面主要是语法和语音等。

    The aspects of comparative linguistics are grammar and phonology , etc.

  2. 历史比较语言学:从形态到基因

    Historical Comparative Linguistics : From Morphology to Gene

  3. 传统理论和方法是结构主义语言学和历史比较语言学。

    The traditional methods and theories are based on Structuralism and historical comparative linguistics .

  4. 包括达到大学本科主修他将主修比较语言学。

    Including general studies requirements , He is going to major in comparative linguistics .

  5. 实证主义哲学的发展推动了实验语言学和历史比较语言学的产生;

    The development of positivism philosophy brought about experimental linguistics and historical comparison linguistics ;

  6. 本文从比较语言学角度分析了英语习语特征,着重对英汉习语各自的特点进行了归纳。

    The article analyses the features of English idioms from the point of contrastive linguistics .

  7. 文章运用历史比较语言学的观点,论述了现代汉语“子”的语义演变过程。

    Based on the historical comparative linguistics , the article discusses the evolution process of Chinese .

  8. 比较语言学、宗教等

    Comparative linguistics , religion , etc

  9. 什么是历史比较语言学?

    What is comparative-historical linguistics ?

  10. 利用语音规律来确定同源词和借词是历史比较语言学的根本方法。

    To distinguish cognate words from loanwords with phonetic laws is a basic method of historical linguistics .

  11. 从历史的意义看,历史比较语言学研究具体语言的历史发展。

    It is historical in the sense that it deals with the historical development of individual languages .

  12. 历史比较语言学通过对语言的历时状态与共时状态进行纵横交错的比较分析,揭示语言客观存在的共同规律。

    Comparison of historical linguistics reveals the common language of objective laws through longitudinal comparison and crosswise comparison .

  13. 作为比较语言学分支的比较词汇学则更直接地服务于此目的。

    As a matter of fact , contrastive lexicology , a branch of contrastive linguistics , serves the purpose more directly .

  14. 20世纪语言学理论经历了三次转向:从历史比较语言学到传统结构主义;

    In the twentieth century the theories of linguistics experienced turns three times : from historical comparative linguistics to traditional structuralism ;

  15. 从历史比较语言学到现代语言学,语言学家一直试图从语言本身出发得出语言规律。

    Linguists are trying to explore the law of language all the time from the historical comparative linguistic to modern linguistics .

  16. 从词汇学、词源学的角度,采用比较语言学的方法,探讨词汇的反义同形现象及根源。

    In term of lexics and etymology , we use the method of comparative linguistics to explore the root of contronym .

  17. 对语言方面所经历的那些持续不断的变化的研究一般被称作历史或比较语言学。

    Historical and comparative linguistics : The study of ongoing changes that have undergone is sometimes called historical and comparative linguistics .

  18. 中日两国近代毛纺织工业对比研究论历史比较语言学的范式革命

    A HISTORICAL COMPARATIVE STUDY OF MODERN WOOL TEXTILE INDUSTRY BETWEEN CHINA AND JAPAN On the pattern revolution of the historical comparative linguistics

  19. 第四部分介绍本文研究体例和研究方法即历史比较语言学视野下的关系词分析法。

    Part IV of this article introduces the style and research methods that the relationship between word analysis of historical comparative linguistics vision .

  20. 《普通语言学教程》中索绪尔对历史比较语言学的回顾和反思是结构主义语言理论得以产生的前提和基础。

    Linguists have given an accurate and theoretic study of the general language , which has helped the prosperous development of general linguistics .

  21. 要了解语言学的发展,就要了解历史比较语言学和结构主义语言学,而了解了历史比较语言学和结构主义语言学,就基本了解了欧美语言学发展的全貌。

    To understand the development of linguistics must start from historical comparative linguistics and structuralist linguistics , which can outline the development of linguistics in Europe and the United States .

  22. 语言学的发展已经过了古典语言学、比较语言学、形式语言学、功能语言学及认知语言学等五个发展时期。

    The development of linguistics has gone through five stages , that is , the stages of classical linguistics , comparative linguistics , formal linguistics , functional linguistics and cognitive linguistics .

  23. 他的研究是建立在中国传统音韵学研究基础之上的,同时将西方近现代语音学、方言学与历史比较语言学研究方法系统应用于中古音研究中,取得了辉煌的成就。

    His research is based on the research of traditional Chinese phonology , and comprehensively applies the Western modern phonetics , dialectology and historical linguistics into the study of Ancient Chinese phonology , having made brilliant achievements .

  24. 第二章从理论上探讨了翻译和比较语言学的关系、翻译标准、衔接的概念和语法衔接手段的分类并回顾了中国近年来对衔接的研究状况。

    Chapter Two offers the theoretical considerations , including the relationship between translation and contrastive linguistics , the criteria of translation , definitions about cohesion and classification of grammatical cohesive devices as well as an overview of cohesion study in China .

  25. 19世纪中期的历史比较语言学在发展中呈现出范式的多元化,其边缘性范式是词源学、语言古生物学和古典语文学,其主流范式是自然主义学派。

    The development of the historical comparative linguistics ( HCL ) in the middle of Nineteenth century presented the diversified research patterns , the fringe ones of which were etymology , linguistic paleontology and classic philology , the main one of which was the naturalism school .

  26. 本文运用比较语言学的方法,以普通话为参照,试从马关县篾厂乡方言语音、词汇和语法特点三个方面,来记述和呈现该方言的语言面貌和种种特点。

    In this paper , using the method of comparative linguistics , in Putonghua as a reference , try Ma County papaer factory rural dialect , Vocabulary and syntax features three , to commemorate and illustrate the appearance of the language dialect and all sorts of features .

  27. 被动语态,作为一种常见而又重要的语法现象,一直是语言学家们研究的重点;尤其是英语和汉语中被动表达方式的对比研究更是英汉比较语言学的热点和难点。

    Passive voice , as one of common and important grammatical phenomena , has long been a key research area for various linguists with different backgrounds . The comparative and contrastive study of passives in English and Chinese takes up a particular share in English-Chinese comparative linguistics .

  28. 新加坡、欧美的双语(多语)教育&比较与语言学透析

    Bilingual ( Multilingual ) Education in Singapore , Europe and America : Comparative and Linguistic Perspectives

  29. 有关成果在中文信息处理、言语交际和英汉比较等应用语言学领域有一定的应用价值。

    There are many aspects of applied value , such as Chinese information processing , language communication , Chinese-English contrast , and so on .

  30. 翻译理论研究直到20世纪以前都被人们认为是比较文学或者语言学研究的一个分支或者特殊领域。

    Before 20th century , translation studies had long been attached to the subjects of linguistics or literature studies as a branch or a certain field of them , instead of an independent discipline .