
bǐ jiào jí
  • Comparative;than;The Comparative Degree
比较级 [bǐ jiào jí]
  • [comparative degree] 在英语中通常用下列方式表示的词:在形容词或副词前加more(如 more natural,more clearly ),或加后缀 -er(newer,sooner )。典型的是指形容词或副词所表示的质、量或关系的增加

  1. 表达比较级的形容词或副词。

    An adjective or adverb expressing the comparative degree .

  2. 表达比较照应时,英语可以通过形容词和副词的比较级来表达特殊比较,而汉语中由于无词形变化,其特殊比较是通过句法结构实现的。

    In terms of comparative reference , particular comparison in English can be realized by the comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs which is not possible in Chinese , while Chinese often use some syntactic structures to achieve comparative reference .

  3. 在这一单元中,有许多形容词,请依据前面所讲,写出他们的比较级

    In this unit , are many adjectives . Please write their comparatives .

  4. 比较级、最高级、模糊限制语、数词、量词和代词也出现在广告中

    Comparatives , superlatives , hedges , numerals , quantifiers and pronouns are also used in advertisements .

  5. (good的比较级)在健康情况上变得更好。

    ( comparative of ` good ' ) changed for the better in health or fitness .

  6. 由于视力缺陷,他没办法参军。alot用来修饰比较级。

    He couldn 't join the army because of his deficient sight .

  7. (fine的比较级)在质量上更好或者优点更多。

    ( comparative of ` fine ' ) greater in quality or excellence .

  8. little的比较级和最高级形式很少见,且通常不受副词修饰。

    The comparative and superlative forms of little are rare and it is not usually modified by adverbs .

  9. 支持…;有利于…请所有赞成这项提议的人讲一声“赞成”。lateradj.&adv.为late比较级,意指较迟,较晚一些。如:twohourslater,theshipsank.两小时后,轮船沉没了。Seeyoulater!再见!

    All in favor of this proposition will please say " Aye . "

  10. old通常的比较级和最高级形式是older和oldest

    The usual comparative and superlative forms of old are older and oldest

  11. moreandmore越来越多彼特B是一个全新的节目,但是它越来越受十几岁青少年的欢迎。much用来修饰比较级。

    Peter B. is quite a new act , but it 's becoming more and more popular among the teenagers .

  12. (close(靠近的)的比较级)表示两个当中距离较近的一个。

    ( comparative of ` close ' ) indicating the one of two that is the shorter distance away .

  13. 一九九九年全年合计,本地生产总值实质上升2.9%,与一九九八年的5.1%跌幅形成强烈对比。higherthananyother比较级表示最高级

    For 1999 as a whole , GDP grew by 2.9 per cent in real terms , in stark contrast to the 5.1 per cent decline in 1998 .

  14. closer:close的比较级,接近的“你那位等待中的女士,比你想象得要近。headdress:头巾;头饰feather:羽毛pink:粉红的她的头饰是黑色和粉色的羽毛”。是她。

    Kati : " your lady in waiting is closer than you think , - Isabel : Her headdress is feathers of black and pink . " - Kati : It 's her . -

  15. 有些形容词的比较级和最高级的形成方式不规则。

    The comparative and superlative of some adjectives are irregularly formed .

  16. 无比较级或最高级,通常直接置於数字之后

    No comparative or superlative ; usu placed directly after a number

  17. 这个副词的比较级该怎样变?

    How do you change this adverb into its comparative form ?

  18. 在教比较级时,比较大球和小球的重量。

    The big ball is heavier than the small ball .

  19. 学会用比较级对现在和过去进行比较。

    Learn to make comparisons between now and the past .

  20. 现代维语形容词比较级浅谈

    A Study of the Modern Uygur Adjective Comparative Degree grade . COMPARE

  21. 英语比较级的特殊表现及其汉译

    Special Forms of English Comparatives and their Translation into Chinese

  22. 2.倍数+比较级+than科威特油井的产油量几乎是美国油井的500倍。

    Kuwait oil wells yield nearly 500 times more than U.S. wells .

  23. 形容词或副词变成比较级(最高级)。

    Form the comparative and superlative degrees of ( an adjective or adverb )

  24. 阅览室里禁止大声说话。用做副词时常使用比较级形式。

    You shouldn 't speak in a loud voice in the reading room .

  25. 英语比较级的理解及翻译技巧

    Understanding English Comparatives and the Skills of Translation it

  26. 原级形容词或副词的非比较级。

    The uncompared degree of an adjective or adverb .

  27. 有些比较级副词的形成方式不规则。

    The comparatives of some adverbs are irregularly formed .

  28. 考研英语试题中有关形容词、副词比较级的特点

    Analysis of some features of comparative degree in postgraduate entrance English examination papers

  29. 轮机英语的比较级和最高级

    Grade . COMPARE On the Comparative and Superlative Degrees in Marine Engineering English

  30. 你能给出这个词的比较级和最高级吗?

    Can you give the comparative form and the superlative form of this word ?