
  • 网络specific volume
  1. 人脑海马皮质毛细血管比容积

    Ratio of volume of capillary in hippocampal cortex in human cerebrum

  2. 海马皮质厚度和毛细血管比容积,均随年龄增大而增加。

    Thickness and " ratio of volume " of the capillary of the hippocampus cortex increased as age increased .

  3. 猪胸髓毛细血管分布的观察及其比容积测量

    Observation on the Distribution of Capillary and Measurment the Capillary Volume Ratio of Pig Thoracic Spinal cord with AKP Staining

  4. 通过模拟计算压力比、单位容积制冷量和理论循环制冷系数等性能指标,对比评价HCFC-123和CFC-11两种制冷工质。

    A comparative assessment between HCFC-123 and CFC-11 , the two kind of refrigerants , has been carried out by simulation calculating the theoretical cycle performance indexs including pressure ratio , volumetric refrigerating capacity and coefficient of performance in this paper .

  5. 针对冶炼厂锌精馏过程中铅塔冷凝器实际冷凝能力明显比其设计容积热负荷低,但却不能避免冲顶事故的发生。

    The actual condensing capacity of the condenser of 1 # lead column is evidently smaller than the bulk-thermodynamics burden , but the condenser always keeps away from breaking the top in .

  6. 经过理论分析及模拟计算,得出在满足吸气压力、压力比、吸气容积的条件下,总有一组涡旋型线几何参数能使动涡盘上的摩擦损失功率最小。

    It was concluded that a certain group of geometric parameters of the molded lines could make the friction loss power of the removable vortex pan least under the condition of satisfying the suction pressure , pressure ratio , and suction volume .

  7. 污泥沉降比随进水COD容积负荷的增加而增高。

    Sludge settlement ratio will increase with the increase of COD volume load in incoming water .

  8. Fourier分析表明,有限容积紧致格式比一般的有限容积非紧致格式有更高的分辨率。

    Compared with finite normal volume noncompact scheme , Fourier analysis shows that finite volume compact scheme can achieve higher resolution .

  9. 当基准物容积比被测物容积小时,可以通过增大被测物的有效传热面积、表面的对流换热系数和辐射率来缩短温度平衡时间,减小二者压差。

    When the master volume is smaller than the tested volume , the differential pressure and temperature can be reduced by increasing the tested tank parameters , such as effective heat transfer area , heat transfer coefficient and irradiation coefficient .

  10. 用ASAP-2000型物理吸附仪测定了催化剂的比表面积、比孔容积、孔结构和孔径分布,揭示了在不同焙烧温度下制备的Cu-Zn-Zr催化剂活性存在差异的原因。

    BET surface area , specific pore volume , pore structure and pore distribution of the catalyst were also studied , which disclosed the reason for different activity of the catalyst prepared in different conditions .

  11. 石灰的活性度与其比表面积、比孔容积之间有很好的正线性关系。

    The activity of lime is corresponding related to special surface area and special porosity .

  12. 实验表明,炭化温度对炭化物的比表面积与比孔容积特性影响很大,较高温度的炭化物具有较发达的孔隙结构与较高的比表面积。

    Results showed that both specific surface ( area ) and specific pore volume of charcoal increased with ( increased ) carbonization temperature . Carbonized material from higher temperature possessed more developed structure and larger specific surface area .

  13. 认为水合煅烧有利于提高样品的比表面积和比孔容积和优化孔径分布,不同水钙比水合样品具有不同的脱硫能力,且呈一定的规律性变化。

    It is found that hydration and calcination are beneficial to improve the special surface area 、 total pore volume and pore-size distributions . Different ratio of water and CaO has different behavior on desulfurization , and vary accord with some rules .

  14. 改性提质使得褐煤孔径分布逐渐向微孔方向发展,比表面积、平均孔径和比孔容积呈现不同程度的下降趋势。

    Dewatering and upgrading makes the lignite pore size distribution gradually develop towards the microporous direction . And surface area , average pore size and pore volume show different degrees of downward trend respectively .

  15. 在压缩比一定的条件下,抽油泵的充满系数随泵吸入口气液比和余隙容积系数的增加而降低;

    When the compression ratio is constant , the coefficient of fullness decreases with the increase of gas-fluid volume ratio and the clearance volume coefficient ;