
  • 网络Biru;Biru County;Xian de Biru
  1. 日本的其他世界遗产,比如岩手县的平泉,岐阜县的白川乡,日本南部的屋久岛,近年来申遗成功后,都出现了游客增加的现象。

    Other heritage sites in Japan including Hiraizumi in Iwate Prefecture , Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture and Yakushima Island in southern Japan all saw an increase in visitors after they joined the list in recent years .

  2. 富士山将迎来人数骤增的游客。日本的其他世界遗产,比如岩手县的平泉,岐阜县的白川乡,日本南部的屋久岛,近年来申遗成功后,都出现了游客增加的现象。

    Mount Fuji is bracing for a big jump . Other heritage sites in Japan including Hiraizumi in Iwate Prefecture , Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture and Yakushima Island in southern Japan all saw an increase in visitors after they joined the list in recent years .

  3. 先说说北方的习俗,比如山东省邹平县的端午,每人早起均需饮酒一杯,传说可以避邪。

    Zouping County , Shandong Province , the Dragon Boat Festival , drinking a cup per person is required to get up early , legends can be believed .

  4. 美欧监管者正要求金融机构更多的披露金融结构内部的资产类别,比如,使博尔德县遭受损失的通常被认为安全的货币市场基金。

    Us and European regulators are demanding better disclosure of the type of assets that lie inside financial structures such as the supposedly safe money market fund that tripped up Boulder County .