
  • 网络yin hai-kuang
  1. 雷震、殷海光等便是这个杂志的主要的负责人和撰稿人。

    Lei Chen and Yin Hai-kuang are chief and main writer of this magazine .

  2. 殷海光是20世纪60年代中国自由主义的核心人物,提出系统反思自己和自由主义前辈过激的批判传统的倾向,是反思型自由主义的代表。

    Yin Hai-kuang was the central figure of the Chinese liberalism in the 20th century 60 years , raised the system reflect on his liberal predecessors and himself radical critique of the tradition , so he was the reflective representatives of liberalism .

  3. 殷海光“个体本位”的自由观

    Yin haiguang 's view of freedom in " individual standard "

  4. 其实殷海光的思维方法是很有特色的。

    In fact , Yinhaiguang 's way of thinking is very characteristic .

  5. 现代中国自由主义的自我转换&以殷海光思想的演变为例

    Liberalism in Contemporary China : Three Transformations

  6. 殷海光明确指出,逻辑不是哲学。

    Logic is not philosophy .

  7. 殷海光的思维方法对于我们进行正确思想,推进新时期文化建设有重要的借鉴意义。

    His method of thinking has great referential significance on guiding us right thinking and on modern civilization construction .

  8. 人们对殷海光的思想研究比较多,对他的思维方法,关注却不够。

    People pay more attention to Yinhaiguang 's thinkings , but pay little attention to his method of thinking .

  9. 前者比较系统地呈现了殷海光对待传统文化的基本立场与态度,勾勒了中国文化未来的发展方向。

    The former systematically presented the Yin Hai-guang basic stance towards traditional culture and attitudes , outlined the future direction of Chinese culture .

  10. 殷海光超越了胡适等五四知识分子对传统文化采取的一元论的思想模式。

    Yin Hai-guang transcended Hu Shi headed the May Fourth new culture movement period intellectuals on traditional culture to " monism " thought patterns .

  11. 台湾学者殷海光反对唯物辩证法的根本原因在于他所处的台湾的社会、政治背景和他本人的世界观;

    Yin Hai-guang , a scholar in Taiwan , opposes materialist dialectics chiefly because of his social and political backgrounds in Taiwan and his own world outlook ;