
  1. 本研究通过对饲料地土壤、饲草(料)和饮水中微量元素的分析,估测了武威冷冻精液站牛群的微量元素营养状况。

    The nutritional condition of cattle herds at Wuwei station of frozen semen were estimated throughanalysing the trace elements in soil , forage ( or feeds ) and drinking water .

  2. 应用甘肃省河西走廊东部武威市5站(乌鞘岭、古浪、永昌、凉州区、民勤)近50年月、年气象资料和沙尘暴个例,详细分析了沙尘暴产生的气候背景和气候影响因子。

    Using the observed meteorological data , and typical sandstorm examples at five stations of Wuwei city in east of Hexi corridor in recent 50 years , the climatic background and influence factors of occurring sandstorm are analyzed detail .

  3. 利用地处干旱绿洲的河西走廊东部武威农业气象试验站1994&2001年农作物玉米生物量观测资料,分析了河西走廊东部绿洲农作物生物量年际、年内变化特征。

    Using observation data ( 1994_2001 ) of corn biomass in Wuwei agricultural meteorology experimental research station located at oasis in the east part of Hexi corridor region , the growth stage and interannual changes of corn biomass were studied .