
bù bīng
  • infantry;foot;foot soldier;infantryman;grunt;rifleman;jawan
步兵 [bù bīng]
  • (1) [infantry;foot]∶以徒步作战进行训练、武装和装备的兵种

  • (2) [foot soldier;infantryman]∶徒步行军和打仗的士兵

步兵[bù bīng]
  1. 他们看着步兵列队从窗前走过。

    They watched as ranks of marching infantry passed the window .

  2. 步兵守卫着桥梁。

    The infantry was / were guarding the bridge .

  3. 政府用步兵和空袭击退了游击队。

    The government drove the guerrillas off with infantry and air strikes

  4. 他加入了英国近卫步兵第一团第二营。

    He joined the second battalion of the Grenadier Guards .

  5. 这个师的组成部队将包括两个坦克连和一个步兵连。

    The division will consist of two tank companies and one infantry company

  6. 伞兵和步兵代表政府进入大楼。

    Paratroopers and foot-soldiers entered the building on the government 's behalf .

  7. 步兵部队正在向前挺进攻打山脊。

    The infantry were advancing to attack the ridge

  8. 敌军步兵正在隐蔽。

    The enemy infantry was hiding .

  9. 步兵部署在山脚下。

    The infantry was deployed at the foot of the mountain .

  10. 中尉被委任指挥一个步兵排。

    The lieutenant was put in charge of an infantry platoon .

  11. 炮兵火力比步兵大。

    The artillery has more firepower than the infantry .

  12. 这个部队包括两营步兵及一连炮兵。

    The force comprised two battalions and a battery .

  13. 炮火掩护步兵前进。

    Artillery gave cover while the infantry advanced .

  14. 用黑手清空驻守得步兵,为自己占一个。

    Use a Black Hand to garrisons , and take it for yourself .

  15. 运输队是步兵的辅助部队。

    The transport corps is ancillary to the infantry .

  16. 本文还根据陆军步兵侦察分队的作战环境特点,提出了适用于战术侦察分队的移动自组网络QOS路由协议。

    We present a QOS routing protocol for the military spy team environment .

  17. n.骑兵骑兵的机动性远优于步兵。

    cavalry The cavalry is much superior in mobility to the infantry .

  18. 亚历克斯上校历任:第8步兵师第4工兵营F连排长兼主任参谋和第12工兵营B连指挥官;

    Colonel Dornstauder 's assignments include : Platoon Leader and Executive Officer , F Company , 4th Engineer Battalion and Commander , B Company , 12th Engineer Battalion , 8th Infantry Division ;

  19. 利用ADAMS二次开发语言,设计了一个可视化界面,可对步兵战车的重要参数进行修改。

    With the developing language of ADAMS software , it also designed the interface to modify the important parameters of infantry fighting vehicle .

  20. 不过目前只有长官才能得到全套装备,每一个步兵会得到一个GPS信标,来让他们的长官知道自己手底下缄默的小伙子们的下落。

    While only the team leaders will get the whole kit and caboodle for now , every soldier will get a GPS beacon , alerting the higher-ups to their sub rosa whereabouts .

  21. 步兵战术侦察分队节点相对教少,但是作战环境复杂,情报信息的文件类型多样,不同的情报对QOS的需求不同。

    Although the number of nodes in the military spy team is relatively less than the ordinary battle field , its surrounding circumstance and collected information types are more complicated .

  22. 汤姆林森上校表示,下一步将是与所选职业道路相关的针对性培训,例如步兵或皇家炮兵队(RoyalArtillery)。

    The next steps , says Col Tomlinson , would be specific training related to the chosen career path , such as the infantry or Royal Artillery .

  23. 特别是当与NOD玩家对战时,如果你看到大批步兵,你需要做的只是建造一个军械库然后制造狙击手小队。

    When playing against a NOD player especially , if you see mass infantry you simply must get an Armory and build Sniper Teams .

  24. 方法对某部步兵连队104名战士5km负重越野训练前后的静脉血进行17项生化与外周血指标检测。

    Methods Some biochemical and hematological indexes were observed in 104 soldiers .

  25. 综述了国产EB摩托化倾向的隐患和智能助力型EB的优越性;摩托化步兵师岛上城市进攻战斗战场管理问题研究

    The hidden trouble of homemade EB 's motorization , as well as the advantages of intelligent power supporting EB were discussed . The Battlefield Management Research about Motorized Infantry Division 's Launching the Offensive Against the City in Island

  26. N13号公路地图中民用建筑被重新放置,因此步兵不会在离开时被卡住。

    Route N13 ambient building repositioned so troops no longer become stuck when exiting .

  27. 建立步兵分队城市作战效能评估指标体系,给出了指标因素的无量纲化方法,并用AHP方法确定了指标的权重,建立了基于灰色关联分析的效能评估模型。

    First , the complex index system is built and the dimensionless method of index factors is provided . By using method of AHP , the weighted coefficients of the factors are achieved . So the effectiveness evaluation model based on grey incidence analysis is established .

  28. 收割者发射D-8爆破弹将几只蟑螂炸蒸发了,但大多数的人的总称步兵连却也被毒爆虫给歼灭了。

    D-8 demolition charges from the reapers vaporize several roaches while most of the Terran infantry are annihilated by banelings .

  29. 它们是Scrin除了毁灭战舰外的二号反步兵单位,可以瞬间消灭最强硬的步兵。

    They are the second best Scrin Anti-Infantry unit next to the Devastator Warship killing even the toughest infantry in seconds .

  30. 方法:选择2004-11/2004-12某部步兵参加冬季野外训练战士110名,男性,年龄18~22岁,军龄1~3年,实验时间为10d。

    METHODS : Between November 2004 and December 2004 , 110 male soldiers aged 18-22 years in an infantry , who had enrolled for 1-3 years , participated in winter training in open country for 10 days .