
zhèng diàn
  • main hall;main hall (in a palace or temple)
正殿 [zhèng diàn]
  • [main hall (in a palace or temple)] 主殿,位置处于正中的主要殿宇

正殿[zhèng diàn]
  1. 那其中最重要的就是这正殿了。

    The most important part of the temple is the main hall .

  2. 主要建筑有皇史宬门、正殿、东西配殿、御碑亭等,四周围以朱墙。

    Building a major imperial history Cheng door , the main hall , things Peidian , Royal Beiting , surrounded by Zhu wall .

  3. 正殿后面是方丈和僧人的住处。

    Behind the hall is the residence of the abbot and monks .

  4. 我继续走去,来到一扇通往大寺正殿的拱门前面。

    I pursued my walk to an arched door opening to the interior of the abbey .

  5. 进入皇宫时先要在入口大厅等候,由人带领进入正殿。

    You have to wait in a large entrance hall before being shown into the court proper .

  6. 本文介绍用高分子材料对轩辕宫正殿的不落架加固与保护的方法,及白蚁的防治。

    The paper introduces the way to consolidate and protect the main hall of Xuanyuan Palace without dismantling , and the way to kill the termite .

  7. 阿婆陀那大殿(Apadana),是波斯波利斯的正殿,也是整个宫殿建筑群的核心,它是帝王用来接见朝贡团的地方。

    The Apadana , the centerpiece of the entire palace complex , was the chamber in which the emperor received envoys and ambassadors from all corners of his realm .

  8. 宣正殿和紫宸殿遗址采用了“树屋”的展示方式,这种全新的尝试,走在了国际遗址保护的前列。

    Xuanzheng Hall and Zichen Hall sites are exhibited in the form of " Tree House ", which is a new attempt and is in the forefront of the international site protection .

  9. 枣寺继承人为完成管原惠庆长老热心中日友好和文化交流的遗愿,正式邀请我和李承仙东渡日本在新落成的枣寺正殿绘制壁画。

    To carry out his last wish and promote the friendship and cultural exchange between Japan and China , the present abbot of the Date Monastery sent us an official invitation to paint murals in the newly constructed Main Hall of his monastery .