
  • 网络Regular Polyhedron;polyhedra;Platonic Solids;regular polygon
  1. Solidworks环境下正多面体三维建模研究

    3D Modeling Study of the Regular Polyhedron in Solidworks System

  2. 分析了正多面体结构的特点,通过研究正多面体外接球与特征基本体&棱锥的参数关系,应用特征复制原理,介绍了在Solidworks环境下进行正多面体三维建模的方法。

    The structure of the regular polyhedron was analyzed . By investigating the parameter relationship between the regular polyhedron and the basic feature pyramid and applying the principles of feature copy , the 3D modeling method of the regular polyhedron in solidworks system was presented .

  3. 用CAD画正多面体的方法探讨

    The Discussion of CAD Drawing Regular Polygon Method

  4. 基于正多面体算法的水文频率自动计算研究

    Application of regular polyhedron optimization algorithm to automatic calculation of hydrological frequency

  5. 正多面体顶点着色公式的整数性质

    The Integral Property of Vertex-Coloring Formula of the Regular Polyhedron

  6. 介绍一种新的优化方法&正多面体法

    Regular Polyhedron Method & A New Direct Optimization Method

  7. 立方体是正多面体。

    A cube is a regular solid .

  8. 光电式正多面体转速传感器设计

    Design of Photoelectric Regular Polyhedron Rotation Sensor

  9. 基于回转车床的正多面体车削及刀尖轨迹仿真

    Simulation on Regular Polygon Forming and Locus of Knifepoint Based on Rotary Cutting Machine Tool

  10. 正多面体的顶点着色公式

    The Vertex-Coloring Formula of the Regular Polyhedron

  11. 正多面体的定值问题

    On the Fixed Value of Square Polyhedron

  12. 优化火电机组热力参数的新方法&矩阵正多面体法

    A new method for optimizing the thermal parameters of power plant & matrix regular polyhedron method

  13. 正多面体的投影研究

    Studying on projection of regular polyhedra

  14. 正多面体的结晶学分类

    Crystallographical classification of regular polyhedra

  15. 通过抽象代数知识,求出所有正多面体的旋转群。

    Using the knowledge of abstract algebra , the rotation groups of the regular polyhedron are determined .

  16. 正多面体法的改进

    Improvement of regular polyhedron method

  17. 然后代入伯恩塞德公式,求得所有正多面体的顶点着色公式。

    Then it is substituted in Burnside formula , all vertex-coloring formulas of the regular polyhedron are determined .

  18. 用这五种正多面体去探索自然界的秘密的企图没有成功。

    The attempt to use the five regular solids to ferret out nature 's secrets did not succeed .

  19. 正多面体顶点二染色时同色等边三角形个数的讨论

    The number of Equilateral triangles with the same colour in a Regular polyhedron with the vertices coloured with two colours

  20. 首先介绍全球网格系统的应用需求,讨论采用正多面体剖分的基本要素。

    Firstly , the paper introduces the application requirement of Global Grid System , discusses the basic element of regular polyhedron subdivision .

  21. 本文应用正多面体法对黄浦江水质模型共29个参数(五个河段)进行了优化。

    The regular polyhedron method is applied to optimize the parameters of the water quality model of the Huangpu River in the paper .

  22. 以正多面体为基本多面体,利用重复法和分割法再分,构成球形的短程线三角形网格。

    Basing on the regular polyhedra , we can subdivide it by the doubling and the division procedures and form the spherical geodesic triangulated grids .

  23. 简要介绍了正多面体法,并对之进行了改进,使其可靠性得到了较大的提高。

    In this paper , the method of regular polyhedron is briefly introduced and improved , so the reliability of , this method is more raised .

  24. 在《几何补编》里,梅文鼎使用中国的传统方法计算了正多面体和半正多面体的体积和相对尺寸。

    In Jihe bubian ( " Complements of Geometry " ) Mei calculated the volumes and relative dimensions of regular and semi-regular polyhedrons by traditional Chinese methods .

  25. 基于正多面体的对称性,我们可以只用一个面加上镜子反射来重组整个正多面体。

    The symmetries possessed by regular polyhedra allow us to create an image of the entire regular polyhedron by using only one of its faces plus a handful of mirrors .

  26. 固定容差问题将采用正多面体方法来求解,可变容差问题由一个双层迭代算法求解。

    The VTP is solved by a double iterative algorithm in which the inner iteration is performed by the FTP algorithm and the outer iteration is implemented by the comparison method .

  27. 提出了利用正多面体顶点分布来剖分球面,得到球面上物体的投影点,利用这些投影点得到物体的二维投影。

    This paper proposes the method of using equilateral polygon to subdivide the surrounded spherical surface , so as to obtain the projection point and get the two-dimensional projections of 3D models .

  28. 然后,将一个正多面体进行细分并将每一次细分所产生的新顶点投影到单位球面上,如此生成一个细分网格。

    At the same time , by subdividing an icosahedron and projecting all its vertices onto the unit sphere from the center , we can get a spherical triangle mesh with subdivision topology .

  29. 介绍了用正多面体方法对框架结构进行优化设计,从而节省材料,使框架结构设计达到更经济的目的。

    This paper introduces optimizing the design of the frame structure in the way of the regular polygon , so as to save the stuff and make the design of the frame structure more economical .

  30. 利用整数的整除理论,证明了以下结论:在所有正多面体顶点着色公式中,当颜色数取任何一个整数时,这些公式的计算结果仍然是整数。

    Using the divisible theory of the integer , the underside conclusion is proved : for all the vertex-coloring formulas of the regular polyhedron , let be any integer , the result of these formulas is still the integer .