
  • 网络forward voltage
  1. GaN基蓝光发光二极管正向电压温度特性研究发射极基极二极管

    Temperature characteristics of the forward voltage of GaN based blue light emitting diodes

  2. 基于电学测量法研究了正向电压与温度之间的线性关系,此线性关系可用于LED结温的测量。

    The linear relationship between forward voltage and junction temperature was researched and could be applied to LED junction temperature measurements . 3 .

  3. 介绍了二极管p-n结正向电压随温度变化的关系及进行非线性补偿的一种方法;

    The relation of diode p-n knot 's forward direction voltage with temperature changing , and methods of proceeding nonlinear reparation are introduced .

  4. PN结正向电压与温度关系实验中的实际问题

    The actual problems in the experiment on positive voltage of PN junction with temperature

  5. 此外总结了几种常用的LED结温测试方法,其中正向电压法较为准确而热阻法较好操作。

    In addition , a summary of commonly used LED junction temperature test methods is given . Forward voltage method is more accurate and thermal resistance method is easy to operate .

  6. KP型晶闸管临界正向电压上升率测试电路分析

    Test Circuit for the Rise Rate of Forward Voltage - of KP Type Transistor Thyratron

  7. 发光二极管p-n结的结电容在特定的正向电压范围内等效于可变电容。

    We further propose that the capacitance of the p-n junction in an LED is equivalent to the variable capacitance in a certain range of forward voltage .

  8. 在正向电压高于8V时,观测到了电致发光。

    When forward bias is higher than 8 V , the electroluminescence of the device is observed .

  9. 采用优化后的p-GaN制作了绿光发光二极管器件,发现生长温度越低器件发光强度越高,反向电压也越高,但正向电压只是略有升高。

    We found that when the growth temperature is lower , the luminescence intensity and reverse voltage is higher but the forward voltage increases slightly .

  10. 结果表明,对金属盘施加正向电压导致Si3N4陶瓷球磨痕明显增大,而摩擦系数基本保持不变;

    The positive voltage applied on the metallic disc led to a significant increase in the wear of the Si_3N_4 , while the friction coefficient remained unchanged or increased slightly .

  11. 正向电压降功率损耗,高效率,高浪涌电流能力。

    Forward Voltage Drop Power Loss , High Efficiency , High Surge Current Capability .

  12. 该非线性电阻在高正向电压下趋于饱和,呈现集总电阻效应。

    The non-linear resistance tends to saturate and represents a lumped resistance ( Rno ) .

  13. 对结发热最敏感的两种测试是正向电压测试和漏电流测试。

    The two tests susceptible to junction heating are the forward voltage and leakage current tests .

  14. 此外还观察到,在较低的测试频率和较大的正向电压下,激光二极管的结电容具有负值。

    A negative capacitance effect in LDs is also observed under larger voltages or lower frequencies .

  15. 并联电阻及光电流随正向电压变化对a-Si:H集成太阳电池填充因子的影响

    Effect of parallel resistance and photo-current versus positive biased voltage on fill factor of integrated a-Si : H Solar Cells

  16. 研究结果表明:当无外加磁场时,在分形沉积物分枝上只存在平行于分枝的正向电压;

    The results show that in the absence of magnetic field there is only the parallel voltage to the branch .

  17. 在我们测试的频率范围内,半导体发光二极管中普遍存在着负电容现象,并且测试频率越低、正向电压越大,负电容现象就越显著;

    In the frequency region that we tested , the phenomenon of negative capacitance of LEDs exist in most semiconductor LEDs ;

  18. 被提及的二极管在整个工作温度范围内性能稳定,并且对于温度的变化正向电压降的变化可以忽略不计。

    The proposed diodes give stable performance throughout its operating temperature range and maintain negligible forward voltage drop with respect to temperature .

  19. 当它的阳极上加有正向电压时,在其触发极上加上适当的触发脉冲就能导通。

    Electricity will pass through it if the positive pole of the thyristor is connected to a positive voltage and the trigger terminal is giver pulse .

  20. 本文利用这两个特征,提出了基于正反向行波能量之比和正向电压行波初始极性的故障选线新判据。

    According to those two characteristics , this paper proposes new criterion of fault line selection based on the ratio of the forward and backward traveling wave energy and the forward voltage traveling wave polarity .

  21. 当温度趋向0K时,正向结电压趋向内建电势差。

    The positive junction volt tends towards the build-up potential while temperature goes to 0K .

  22. 该异质结结构也表现出典型的二极管整流特性,正向开启电压为15V左右,发射较强的近紫外光。

    The n-ZnO / AlGaN / p-GaN heterojunction presents a representative current rectification property with the threshold voltage of 15V . The emitting light is relatively strong near-Ultraviolet .

  23. 同时测试分析了该器件的IV特性:在室温下,正向开启电压为0.8V,反向击穿电压大于200V,反向漏电流小于10-10A;

    The I V characteristics have also been measured . At room temperature , the forward turn on voltage is 0.8 V , the reverse breakdown voltage is higher than 200 V , and the leakage current is smaller than 10 - 10 A.

  24. 老化前后Ⅰ-Ⅴ曲线结果显示,反向漏电流和正向小电压下的电流都有明显的增加。

    Reverse current and forward current at low bias were increased significantly .

  25. 龙滩机组励磁系统跨接器短时正向过电压保护试验

    Test of short-time forward over-voltage protection with excitation crowbar in Longtan Hydropower Station

  26. 正向阈电压下输入电流

    Input current at positive-going threshold voltage

  27. 测试结果表明,改造后的空气超声换能器的超声脉冲波形的正向幅值电压有了较大的提高。

    It is stated that the forward amplitude voltage of the ultrasonic pulse waveform of the revamped ultrasonic has a further improvement .

  28. 由于正向结电压小于内建电势差,温度升高或正向结电压增加,正向结电流将增大,温度升高反向结电流也相应增加。

    Due to positive junction volt smaller than build-up potential inside PN junction , the positive junction current increases with the raise of temperature or positive junction volt , and the reverse junction current also increases with temperature .

  29. 由于便携式应用对白光LED亮度均匀性的要求,以及白光LED自身的正向导通电压大、电学参数离散性大、容易受温度影响等特点,需要设计专门的电源管理芯片来驱动白光LED。

    Due to characteristics of white LED such as large forward voltage and high temperature sensitivity , and necessity of uniform brightness requirement of the portable application , specially designed power management IC is needed .

  30. 这类器件在正向导通电压VF降低的同时,其关断时间t(off)却明显增长,这使其工作频率受限、开关功耗增大。

    The switch speed of power devices t_ ( off ) will be increased , during the forward voltage drop Vp decreasing , because of conductivity modulation effects . It causes the operating frequency of power devices limited and switch loss increased .