
gē běn
  • songbook;songsheet
歌本 [gē běn]
  • [songbook] 歌曲集

  • 他买了一个歌本

歌本[gē běn]
  1. 凯特:是有歌本的。

    KATE : There is a songbook .

  2. DrGilbert工作于丹麦歌本哈根大学,他和他所领导的团队刚刚在杂志上发表了他们的新发现。

    Dr Gilbert , who works at Copenhagen University , in Denmark , is one of the leaders of a team that has just published its findings in Science .

  3. 这位民谣歌本的街头叫卖者使所有的人唱起了自由之歌;

    The street ballad seller set all men singing of liberty ;

  4. 如果有乘客愿意在歌本哈克多呆一晚。

    If anyone wishes to stay in oopenhagen an extra night .

  5. 如此一来,人们唱歌时便可以看着歌本。

    This way , people could read them while they sang along .

  6. 基于标准工时的成套电器产品生产计划管理研究与应用及歌本的套装产品。

    The production plan management research and application based on standard labor time of whole set electric apparatus production ;

  7. 古鲁梵歌本为歌颂纯粹之爱,但不知什么东西阻止我献上真诚的爱。

    The Gurugita is meant to be a hymn of pure love , but something had been stopping me short from offering up that love in sincerity .

  8. 追溯历史,诗、歌本是同源,诗词是时代的流行歌曲,当代流行歌曲也成功地借鉴古典诗词以提高自身格调。

    Go back to history , poetry and songs are homologous , poetry is the pop songs of the era , and contemporary pop songs also successfully draw on classical poetry to enhance their own style .