
  • 网络a singer
  1. 她是歌唱演员还是舞蹈演员?他以颤声演唱了民歌。

    Is she a singer or a dancer ? He quavered out folk songs .

  2. 她是歌唱演员还是舞蹈演员?

    Be she a singer or a dancer ?

  3. 歌唱演员们目不转睛地望着指挥。

    The singers kept their eyes fixing on the conductor .

  4. 那样子就像歌唱演员表演似的,完全是庸俗的炫耀。

    It was just his vulgar way of showing off .

  5. 所有的歌唱演员都要竞争那个奖项。

    All the singers need to compete for the prize .

  6. 摄影师、时装模特和歌唱演员们为了名利你争我夺。

    Photographers , models and singers all jostled for money and fame .

  7. 观众目不转睛地看着年轻的歌唱演员。

    The crowd could not keep their eyes off the young singer .

  8. 她是一个小型的巡回演出歌剧团的歌唱演员。

    She sings with a small touring opera company .

  9. 几位著名的歌唱演员受邀为一次全国性歌唱比赛作评判员。

    Several famous singer be invited to act as judge for a national song contest .

  10. 则是他对我一名军旅歌唱演员的最大安慰和鼓励。

    He told me it is one of the greatest singers Military comfort and encouragement .

  11. 他是一个专业歌唱演员。

    He is a professional singer .

  12. 贺冰新,原铁道文工团歌唱演员,1990年留学英国,主修流行音乐。

    He , a former singer in China Railway Art Troupe , has studied in the United Kingdom majoring in pop music .

  13. 一起演出的舞蹈或歌唱演员团体。含有实事小品、歌舞和丑角的综艺演出。

    A body of dancers or singers who perform together . a variety show with topical sketches and songs and dancing and comedians .