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  • orange
橘树 [jú shù]
  • [orange] 树名。果实为橘子

  • 洞庭之阴,有大橘树焉。-- 唐. 李朝威《柳毅传》

橘树[jú shù]
  1. 18世纪末,耶尔是个被橘树果园包围的城市。

    At the end of the18th century , Hy è res was a village surrounded by orange tree plantations .

  2. 正方形的花园点缀着橘树,中央有喷泉。

    The garden is a perfect square , dotted with orange trees and , in the center , a fountain .

  3. 而且,当地人会买来小橘树,用红包在上面装饰一番。

    Also , the locals would buy mini tangerine trees , and decorate them with red packets .

  4. 我在一棵橘树下找到座位,打开昨天买的其中一本诗集。

    I found a seat under an orange tree and opened one of the poetry books I 'd purchased yesterday .

  5. 同时,他唇舌不清地谈到了他的母亲,谈到了阳光灿烂的加利福尼亚,和在橘树和花丛中的家园。

    He also babbled incoherently of his mother , of sunny southen california , and a home among the orange groves and flowers .

  6. 从外表上看,橘树和积树的叶子是一样的,但是这两种树的果子的味道却完全不同。

    Outwardly the leaves of orangetrees and those of trifoliate orange trees look alike , but the tastesof their fruits are entirely different .

  7. 而在佛罗里达大学的柑橘研究及教育中心,世界上最顶尖的一些植物学家和昆虫学家试图保存现有的橘树,培育新的抗菌树,使昆虫无法传播疾病。昆虫学家克里斯汀?佩雷兹?

    At the University of Florida 's Citrus Research and Education Center , some of the world 's best botanists and entomologists are trying to save the existing trees , grow new ones resistant to the bacterium , and make the insect incapable of transmitting the disease .

  8. 话刚说出口,宫殿的窗外就放起了烟火,沿着橘树大道,萤火虫们排成字母:“王子和他的新娘万岁。”

    As she spoke a blaze of light sprang up before the windows of the palace ; fireworks crackled and guns banged , and across the avenue of orange trees , in letters all made of fire-flies , was written : " Long live the Prince and his Bride . "

  9. 橘这些树的带有甜酸汁水的果实。

    The fruit of any of these trees , having a sweetish , acidic juice .