
  • 网络modular outsourcing
  1. 复杂产品模块化外包的最优合同设计

    The Optimal Contract Design in Modular Outsourcing of Complex Product

  2. 由偶发性外包、业务流程外包到模块化外包,加速了服务产业组织的变革,服务企业逐渐呈现出模块化组织的状态。

    By being outsourcing , business process outsourcing , modular outsourcing , accelerate the transformation of the service industry organization , service enterprise showing a modular organization .

  3. 对于整车厂来说如何解决模块化外包给自己带来的黑箱效应难题,对于供应商则主要是如何解决模块化外包所需的专用性资产投资的风险难题。

    The Black-Box Effects ( BBEs ) which caused by the modularization outsourcing is the key issue to the OEM , while the risk of modularization specific-investments ( MSIs ) is the main one to the supplier .

  4. 抛弃传统企业大而全、小而全的组织结构特点,通过模块化和外包模式提高企业的专业化程度,降低企业组织结构的一体化程度;

    Abandon traditional enterprise organization characteristic , and reduce the integrated degree of enterprise 's organization by modularization and outsourcing ;