
  • 网络brochure
  1. 不止于广告媒体和楼书的语言宣传,编码的能指范围深入建筑设计领域。

    Besides the advertising strategy that propagate new buildings , the architectural design field has also became the signifiers domain .

  2. 再或者发给我们的楼书里藏着可以跟踪定位的微型芯片,以防止我们不买房就逃跑?

    Or perhaps the property brochures we 'd been given were implanted with microchips signaling our whereabouts in case we attempted to escape without buying .

  3. 同时作为长期生活在纽约的人士,她也很容易找到一个理想家居参照模式,类似曼哈顿摩根图书馆、1000平方英尺、向阳、两层楼书墙。

    A longtime New Yorker , she had little trouble refining her ideal dwelling to1,000 square feet of sunlight and a two-story wall of books inspired by the Morgan Library in Manhattan .

  4. 楼书设计作为促销宣传品设计的一支,以往只重视其表面化的功能而对其本身缺乏理论系统的研究,甚至是一个空白。

    As a kind of design of promotion flackery , the design of real estate description focused on the apparent functions but ignored the study of systematic theories which even was blank in the past .