
hù shǐ
  • arrow-thorn wood arrow
楛矢 [hù shǐ]
  • [the arrow made of thorn] 用楛木做杆的箭

  • 楛矢东来。--南朝梁. 丘迟《与陈伯之书》

  1. 关东文化的象征&楛矢石砮

    The Symbol of Culture in the East of Pass & Stone Arrows

  2. 到了魏晋南北朝时期,随着中原王朝与东北关系的密切,魏晋史家以“楛矢石砮”为依据,断定古肃慎位于东北的北部。

    The historian came to a conclusion that the Sushen located at the north of the Northeastern areas on the basis of the record about " the arrow made of thorn and cluster of stone-arrow " .
