
  • 网络forest city;forestry city
  1. 推动国土绿化高质量发展,统筹山水林田湖草系统治理,持续推进森林城市、森林乡村建设。

    Efforts should be taken to promote the high-quality development of afforestation , coordinate management of mountains , waters , forests , farmland , lakes and grassland , continuously advance the building of forest city and forest countryside .

  2. 河北平原森林城市建设的定位思考

    The Position Thinking on the Forest City Construc-tion in Hebei Plain

  3. 应用地带性植物构建吉林特色森林城市

    Using region-specific plants to construct a park city with unique Jilin characteristics

  4. 华北平原森林城市建设中存在的问题及建议&以河北邯郸植被建设为例

    Urban Vegetation Investigation in Huabei Plain City & Example of Hebei Handan city

  5. 森林城市的理念与建设特点

    Concept and Constructive Characteristics of the Forest City

  6. 建设森林城市提高沈阳生态环境的可持续发展能力

    Constructing the Forests City , Enhancing the Capabilities of Sustainable Development of Shenyang City

  7. 阿克苏市兼顾多重效益的国家森林城市建设

    Building of National Forest City with Consideration of Multiple Benefits in Aksu , Xinjiang

  8. 沈阳市森林城市建设途径的探讨

    Approaches of Forest-Covered City Construction in Shenyang

  9. 今天,在克利夫兰地区的一些企业仍然在其名称中使用的森林城市。

    Today , some businesses in the Cleveland area still use Forest City in their names .

  10. 临安向森林城市进发

    Lin'an : aims at Forest City

  11. 森林城市莫斯科

    Moscow : City in the Forest

  12. 欲将宜昌建设成东方日内瓦,必须引入森林城市建设模式。

    To achieve the goal-building Yichang city into a'eastern Geneva ' , we must incorporate some forest urban construction patterns into the urban construction .

  13. 黑龙江宜春市是一座森林城市,过去过量的森林砍伐造成该城市森林资源大幅度减少。

    In Yichun , a forest city in northeastern China 's Heilongjiang province , excessive deforestation has caused a substantial reduction of forest resources .

  14. 分析了沈阳市生态环境的现状、绿地景观存在的问题和建设森林城市的必要性,提出了建设沈阳森林城市的原则和对策。

    The necessity of constructing the forests city of the Shenyang was analysed and the principles and countermeasures were proposed based on existing states of ecological environment .

  15. 对照国家林业局颁布的《国家森林城市评价指标(试行)》的数量指标,在覆盖率、森林生态网络、森林健康方面都已基本达到创建国家森林城市的标准。

    Promulgated by the state forestry administration control index number , in coverage , forest ecological networks , forest health has reached national standards of urban forest created .

  16. 绿化委员会、国家林业局已启动设立了国家森林城市这一荣誉称号,并且建立了权威的、专业的国家森林城市评价指标体系。

    National Afforestation Committee and State Forestry Bureau has set up " National Forest City " the honorary title and also the authoritative and professional system of indexes .

  17. 正确把握森林城市理念与建设特点,对于促进和提高我国森林城市建设水平具有重要意义。

    Grasping the concept and constructive characteristics of the forest city correctly makes a great significance for the promotion and improvement of the forest city 's constructive levels in our country .

  18. 我国城市化过程中存在着重数量轻质量的倾向,从城市生态建设的质量看,存在着传统城市、园林城市、山水城市或森林城市、现代生态城市4种模式。

    There are four models of the traditional city , garden city , forest city and modern ecological city , from the point of view of the quality of the city ecological construction .

  19. 简述了森林城市的概念和沈阳市森林城市的规划,探讨了沈阳森林城市建设中存在的问题,并提出了建设性意见。

    The concept of forest-covered city and the planning of forest-covered city in Shenyang are introduced . The problems in forest-covered city construction in Shenyang are discussed , and some countermeasures are put forward .

  20. 得出以廊道绿地为主的环网状生态格局是构建张家界森林城市的最佳结构,也是符合张家界实际情况和生态规划理论要求的绿地布局。

    The idea , ring net ecological distribution composed primarily with " corridor green belt " is the best structure to form the " forest city " in Zhangjiajie City , which is suitable for the circumstance of the city and meets the ecological planning theory .

  21. 在GPS领域内,室内、森林和城市等复杂环境被统称为室内环境。

    Indoor , forests and cities and so on are able to be called indoor environments .

  22. 当信号条件不理想时,例如在室内、森林和城市环境条件下,遮挡、多径和干扰等现象较严重,GPS就不能得到很好的应用。

    When the users are in the environments where there are not good signals , such as , indoor , in forests and in cities , GPS will not be able to be used well because of shading , multipath , and interference and so on .

  23. 城市森林与城市绿地系统初探

    A Brief Discussion on Urban Forest and Urban Green Space System

  24. 森林在城市生态化建设中的地位具有不可替代性。

    Forest plays an indispensable role in the urban ecologic construction .

  25. 因此建设森林生态城市应是昆明城市建设的发展目标。

    Forest ecological city was the construction objective of Kunming .

  26. 让森林包围城市,让市民走近森林。

    Forest around the city , citizen in the forest .

  27. 这座石头森林的城市,就像一个巨大的容器,包容着所有的人,连同他们的情感。

    This stone-forest city , like a huge can , contains everyone and their emotions .

  28. 城市森林与城市生态化建设

    Urban Forest and Urban Ecological Construction

  29. 北京并不是唯一一个在偏远郊区兴建闪闪发光的新写字楼森林的城市。

    Beijing is not alone in building out forests of gleaming new office blocks in the middle of nowhere .

  30. 城市森林是城市范围内及与城市关系密切的、以树木为主体的生物群落。

    Urban forestry refers to the biocenosis that has close relation to the related major tree species in this area .