
  • 【电影】Dreams May Come
  1. 在梦想照进现实之前,我是一个追梦人。

    Before the dream turns into reality , I am always a dream-chaser .

  2. 音乐和灯光把梦想照进现实

    Music and light bringing dreams to life ?

  3. 所以,你一生的愿望可以设成:梦想照进现实。

    So , you can set your one-life dream as dream hiding behind the reality .

  4. 在孩童时期,我发现让梦想照进现实的关键在于创造力。

    As a child , I discovered that creativity is the key to cross from dreams to reality .

  5. 在忙于拍摄于6月在国内首映的《梦想照进现实》期间,她将该片的拍摄过程中的细节和未来的市场计划都发布到博客上。

    While busy shooting her latest movie " Dreams May Come ", which was released in China at the end of June , she put details of the filming process and her marketing plans into her blog .

  6. 综上所述,不同公司又一次在公共标准问题上不欢而散,每个人都想按自己的方式行事,最终的胜者又是谁呢?我们期待着梦想照进现实的那一天。

    It seems like once again different parties fail to agree on a common standard , everyone pushing things in his own way , and once again time and reality will have to choose the winner or the winners .

  7. Vista:梦想能否照进现实?

    Vista : Narrowing Gaps between Dream and Reality ?

  8. 假如压力扼住理想的脖颈,梦想无法照进现实,你将如何应对?

    When you are constantly frustrated by pressure , how will you strive to realize your dreams ?

  9. 梦想也许不会照进现实,但梦境真的会照进现实。科学家发现,晚上做梦梦见和伴侣吵架或伴侣出轨,第二天吵架次数会增多,两人亲密度也会降低。

    there now appears to be a scientific explanation.It seems your other half may have dreamt about having an argument with you or even imagined that you were unfaithful to them during their sleep.Psychologists have now confirmed that these dreams can lead to more rows and reduced intimacy between couples the following day.This is because the