
  • 网络massey university;Massey;University of Massey
  1. ZhangLuwen是惠灵顿梅西大学的一名大四学生。

    Zhang Luwen is a senior student at Massey University in Wellington .

  2. 现在,新西兰梅西大学的MurrayCox和他的同事们不仅科学地展示了首批定居者源自哪里,而且还弄清了定居者的人数,证据确凿。让人感到吃惊的是已确定的定居者人数极少。

    Now , Murray Cox of Massey University in New Zealand and his colleagues have put the matter beyond doubt by showing not only where the first settlers came from , but also how many of them there were . And the answer is surprisingly few .

  3. 她走后的几个星期,我也离开了那个妓院,进入梅西大学学习。

    Several weeks later I also quit and left for Massey University .

  4. 梅西大学国际学生办公室主任布鲁斯-格雷姆说,《玩笑》的封面低级庸俗。不过他说,《玩笑》杂志有编辑自主权。

    Massey University International Office Director Bruce Graham said the chaff cover is in " extremely poor taste " . however , he accepted chaff has editorial independence .