
gé diǎn
  • lattice point;grid point
格点[gé diǎn]
  1. 利用美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)1994年6月格点资料,对我国东南部夏季风的发展和演变进行了分析,并且与夏季风发展正常的1979年的相应结果作了比较。

    The evolution of Monsoon in the Southeast China during June 1994 is analyzed by using daily grid point data from American National Center for Environment Prediction ( NCEP ) .

  2. 随机格点搜索法&一种新的离散变量最优化方法

    Random grid point hunting

  3. 采用计算机模拟来实现这个模型,以不同的格点占据几率p来分析这个模型。

    We adopt the computer simulation to mimic this model .

  4. 求震源机制P波初动解的格点尝试概率法

    A probabilistic grid test method of determining earthquake focal mechanisms using P-wave onset polarity data

  5. m×n矩形的格点平行四边形和正方形的计数

    Counting Lattice Point Parallelograms and Lattice Point Squares from m × n Rectangles

  6. Z(n,k)(s)与一个格点问题

    On z_n . k ( s ) and a lattice - point problem

  7. Zn格点模型的量子仿射变形代数

    Q-deformed Quantum Affine Algebra in Z_n Lattice Model

  8. TiN薄膜生长的无格点KineticMonteCarlo模拟

    Off-Lattice Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of Initial Stage of TiN Film Growth

  9. 有限温度格点U(1)规范理论计算

    Calculation on U ( 1 ) Lattice Gauge Theory at Finite Temperature

  10. 非各向同性耦合Z(2)格点规范模型中的层相

    The Layer Phase in Unisotropic Z ( 2 ) Lattice Gauge Model

  11. 二维HP格点模型中的紧密高分子链构象及其热力学性质的研究

    Study of native conformations and thermodynamic properties of two-dimensional HP compact polymers

  12. 格点规范场论MonteCarlo模拟中一种节省时间的取样方法

    A fast sampling method for Monte Carlo simulations of lattice gauge field theories

  13. SU(3)格点规范理论的变分分析

    Variational analysis of the su ( 3 ) lattice gauge theory

  14. 具有混合作用量的Z(4)格点规范场相结构的解析研究

    An analytical study of lattice z ( 4 ) gauge theory with generalized action

  15. 具有混合基础&伴随表示作用量的大N格点QCD的相结构

    Phase structure of large-iv lattice QCD with mixed fundamental-adjoint action

  16. 价转移金属络合物低温半导体&金属相变的计算机MonteCarlo量子格点模拟

    Monte Carlo quantum lattice simulation of low temperature semiconductor-metal phase transition in transitional metal complexes

  17. MIMO系统中格点减少检测算法的探讨

    A Survey of Lattice-Reduction Algorithm for MIMO systems

  18. 在SU2格点规范理论中计算真空态胶子凝聚量

    Analytic calculation for gluon condensation in Su ( 2 ) lattice gauge theory

  19. SU(3)格点规范理论两种新作用量的MonteCarlo研究

    Monte Carlo study of su ( 3 ) lattice gauge theory for two alternative actions

  20. Si(111)-7×7表面按格点标识的结合能

    The Atomic Binding Energies at Each Specific Sites on a Si ( 111 ) 7 × 7 Reconstructed Surface

  21. 二维SpinGlass系统&随机格点SO(3)自旋模型的MonteCarlo模拟

    Monte Carlo simulation of a new so ( 3 ) spin glass model on the 2-dimensional random lattices

  22. 格点规范理论中SU(2)混合模型的变分&累积量展开处理

    Variational-cumulant expansion treatment of su ( 2 ) mixed model in lattice gauge theory

  23. SU(2)纯格点规范场热力学非对称点阵Monte-Carlo模拟

    Monte-Carlo Simulation on Asymmetric Lattices for SU ( 2 ) Gauge Field Thermodynamics

  24. 2+1维SU(3)格点纯规范场的真空态计算

    Calculation of Vacuum State for 2 + 1-Dimensional SU ( 3 ) Lattice Gauge Theory

  25. 有限温各向异性SU(3)格点规范理论相结构研究

    The phase structure study on non-isotropic su ( 3 ) lattice gauge theory at finite temperature

  26. SU(2)格点规范理论中的重夸克相互作用力及势的计算

    The calculation of heavy quark force and potential in su ( 2 ) lattice gauge theory

  27. 本文讨论了三角形格点上两个键的占有几率为p,第三键的占有几率为q的符向异性键渗流问题。

    We consider the problem of bond percolation on an anisotropic triangular lattice in which two bonds have been occupied with probability p and third with q.

  28. 求解Euler方程的基本算法采用有限体积中心差分格点格式。

    The basic algorithm for the Euler solver consists of an explicit vertex-based finite volume method .

  29. 带费米子2+1维SU(2)群格点规范理论中的真空和手征对称性自发破缺

    Vacuum of 2 + 1 dimensional su ( 2 ) LGT with fermions and spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking

  30. Massive格点Schwinger模型的准确基态和弦张力

    The exact ground state and string tension of massive lattice Schwinger models