
  • 网络the root class
  1. 某些节点并未显示类名,这是由于这些实例对根类实例的大小无显著影响。

    Some nodes do not show the class name because those instances do not contribute significantly to the size of the root class instance .

  2. 点击Class框旁边的按钮,以这个根类为名字输入:Root,这个例子是这样的。

    Click the button beside the Class box and type in the name of the root class : Root , for this example .

  3. 根类Object包含某些特殊的方法,用来在线程的wait()、notify()和notifyAll()之间进行通信。

    The root Object class includes some special methods for communicating across threads & wait (), notify (), and notifyAll () .

  4. 关于Olson和Jenkins定义的根类

    On the Radical Classes Defined by Olson and Jenkins

  5. 根类设置了一个筛选器,这是一种CherryPy结构,对于从HTTP接收的数据以及HTTP响应发出的数据执行某些动作。

    The root class sets up a filter , which is a CherryPy construct that performs some action on data that comes in from the HTTP request , and again on data that goes out as the HTTP response .

  6. 格序群极根类的一个刻划

    A Characterization on Polar Radical Classes of Lattice Ordered Groups

  7. 关于幂等代数族中的根类

    On the Radical Classes in the Variety of Idempotent Algebras

  8. 格序群的根类与素选择

    Radical classes and prime selectors of lattice ordered groups

  9. 一般代数正规类中的δ-根类

    The δ - radicals in general algebra normal classes

  10. 格序群的C-根类和K-根类

    C-Radical Classes and K-Radical Classes of Lattice Ordered Groups

  11. 格序群根类的覆盖问题

    Coverings on Radical Classes of Lattice Ordered Groups

  12. 根类中药材的电泳分析

    Protein analysis of root drugs by page

  13. 一般范畴中的下根类理论

    The Lower Radical Theory in General Categories

  14. 根类的极小上生成子有极小条件的环的根

    THE MINIMAL CO-GENERATOR OF A RADICAL CLASS On Radicals of Associative Rings with Minimum Conditions

  15. 他还给出了一些幂等代数族中的根类的例子。

    He also gave some examples of radical classes in the variety of idempotent algebras .

  16. 中粘壤土块根类作物收获机输送分离器的设计

    Design of convey separator about the harvest machine for the middle glutinous soil tuber crops

  17. 化学工业废水对洋葱根类细胞核结构的影响

    The affection of chemical industrial effluent on the nuclear structure of tip cells in Allium cepa

  18. 根类的一般遗传性

    General Heredity in Radical Classes

  19. 水分对根类中药材根系生长及有效成分积累的影响

    Effect of Water on Root System Growth of Medicinal Plants and Accumulation of Effective Ingredient in Their Roots

  20. 贵州省常用根类药用植物主要有害生物种类的危害及发生特点

    The Investigation of Harmful Organisms and Their Occurrence Regulation in the Field for the Root Medicinal Plants in Guizhou

  21. 在本例中,一个根类(左上角用红色标明的那个类)是问题的发源地。

    In this case , a root class ( upper-left corner in red ) is where the problem originated .

  22. 食根类害虫则主要出现在有树木幼苗、有农田幼苗及禾本科草坪的取样点。

    Root pests were found mainly in the sampling areas with tree seedling , farmland seedling and grassy lawn .

  23. 利用本质子群与本质扩张的概念,证明了极根类恰是本质闭类。

    By the basic concept of essential subgroups and essential extensions , a surprising result is given in this paper .

  24. 继承层次关系的根类应该定义虚函数性质的析构函数,即使这个析构函数不做任何的事情。

    The root class of an inheritance hierarchy should define a virtual destructor even if the destructor has no work to do .

  25. 深根类蔬菜从更深的土壤中获得养分和水分,因此它们不会与浅根植物竞争。

    Deep-rooted vegetables get nutrients and moisture from lower down in the soil , so they do not compete with plants with shallower roots .

  26. 给出了格序群极根类上恰有某给定基数个原子的一个充分必要条件。

    In this short note , a sufficient and necessary condition for a radical class a with cardinality of A ( a ) a given cardinal is proved .

  27. 接下来,使用根资源类创建一个RESTfulweb服务资源。

    Next , create a RESTful web service resource using a root resource class .

  28. 指出一般农田短期内不存在Cd污染,但对长期大量施用磷肥的地区和特定作物(如根叶类蔬菜)施用磷肥须谨慎。

    Cd pollution of general farmland does not exist in short-term , but fertilizer pollution must he payed attention during the use of phosphate fertilizer in the area and in the special crop for a long-term .

  29. 根菜类食品脱水干缩现象量化研究

    Quantification study on the shrinkage of root vegetable in dehydration

  30. 根菜类蔬菜肉质根形成生理研究进展

    Advance of physiology of tap root formation of root vegetables